Part 1

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"Let's just face it," Y/N said as she dipped her paintbrush into the light blue paint before bringing it up to the canvas in front of her. "You were the lucky one to know you have a soulmate. I on the other hand apparently don't have one."

Elena laughed and shook her head as she looked around the canvas in front of her to look at Y/N. "Everyone has one. Yours just doesn't seem to write on themselves like the rest of us."

Elena had been right. Everyone in the world had a soulmate that the universe declared they were destined to meet. From the moment they are born, their skin became a connection to their soulmate. A simple pen mark, paint splatter or even the embedded ink of a tattoo would be shared between the two until it had been washed off their skin. In the case of a tattoo, well one would hope their soulmate didn't make drunken decisions or at least hoped they shared the same interests in things.

"My whole life I've been waiting for some kind of indication that my soulmate is out there but I've literally seen nothing." Y/N said as she eyed the painting for a moment before rinsing off her brush, wiping the excess water off and dipping it into a dark green. "Not even a tattoo to help at all."

"Hey, he asked me about it before he got the tattoo." Elena said as she worked on her painting.

"My point exactly." Y/N said as she used light strokes of her brush to add the little details she wanted. "All you two had to do was write messages to each other on your arm and that was it. I've tried that and nothing."

"Maybe if you said you're gonna get a tattoo on your ass of something obnoxious, you might get a response." That caused Y/N to laugh and shake her head.

"You would think with how much I paint or even write on myself I'd get a response to stop or something." Y/N tilted her head as she took another look at the painting before her. Her Y/E/C eyes flickered back and forth between the canvas and the picture she had clipped to the corner of it.

The image a beautiful landscape of mountains and fields. Y/N had taken the image from a magazine for her current art project she was working on for her college art class. The canvas held an exact replica of the image. All Y/N had to do was add in the textures she felt it needed to bring the painting to life.

"Maybe your soulmate doesn't care." Elena said as her brown eyes never came off the canvas. "They don't care that you cover their hands and face up with paint as you do since they know you love to do it."

"Or there isn't someone on the other end." Y/N sighed as she ran the back of her hand across her forehead. A smudge of white paint leaving a trail in its path. "I just figure that while you are off riding into the sunset with Damon, I'll just give up on actively searching for a person I don't even know exists."

Elena opened her mouth to tell Y/N not to give up when the dorm room door opened quickly and Caroline rushed in. Closing the door behind her, she walked over to where her best friends were sitting on their stools in front of their canvases.

"Oh my god." Caroline said as she walked closer to them. "My mother is so going to kill me."

Both Elena and Y/N looked at Caroline with a raised brow. "What now?" Y/N asked. This wasn't the first time Caroline had came running in declaring her mother was going to kill her.

Unzipping the sweater she had on Caroline pulled it off and pulled the straps of her tank top towards her neck, revealing the tattoo that ran along her left collar bone to over and down her left shoulder.

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