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From Stephen Hawking to Elon Musk, the concept of a holographic simulated universe / multiverse has gained significant traction throughout the last few decades. The belief that reality is an illusion is actually in-keeping with the Hindu principle of Maya. Those ancient civilisations knew a thing or two about consciousness that today's Western-centric world has chosen to forget or overlook.

Simulation themes have been noticeably utilised in science fiction narratives from Gene Roddenberry to sisters Lana and Lilly Wachowski and the Warner Brothers comic which the matrix films. Whilst science fiction has trialled out many concepts that have become science-fact, the flip-top communicators in the first series of Star Trek which became mobile phones when consumer technology advanced, in regards to reality being a 3D hologram, the major concept flaw which may prove not to be prophetic, is the idea that a supposed "advanced civilisation" are sitting somewhere in a control centre, mischievously pulling the strings of the human race.

 Whilst science fiction has trialled out many concepts  that have become science-fact, the flip-top communicators in the first  series of Star Trek which became mobile phones when consumer technology  advanced, in regards to reality being a 3D hol...

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The idea that there are beings more advanced than us is due to another sci-fi construct, aliens and UFOs. Whilst there are many unexplainable sightings which make their way into the news media, there is still no concrete proof such craft exist as nuts-and-bolts machines, regardless of their use in science fiction for the last eighty or more years.

Some shifters have shifted to Doctor Who and actually witnessed the Daleks as physical creatures, yet the Daleks were created by BBC designer Raymond Cusick 'inspired by futuristic chimney on a Gloucester (UK) school he once visited. If fictionally-inspired aliens are as real and solid matter as the aliens reputed to have visited Roswell, New Mexico, logical reasoning suggests that most of what we see around us in this and all the other physical realities we may shift to, including trees, mountains, and many "people" we interact with, are in-fact 3D quantum computer scenery effects produced by an intelligent Multiverse for us to interact with.


Quantum computing at the forefront of modern technological innovation, the automatic assumption of both futurist scientists and the writers of the Matrix is that we are mere puppets stuck in a fantasy land created by supposed "advanced beings", should be seriously re-thought, bearing in mind that the Multiverse as we know understand it, has all the hallmarks and faculties of a fully-conscious and creating computer capable of making decisions without the guidance of living programmers. String theory, maybe... but no way are we puppets on strings under the power and influence of other individual sentient beings.

 but no way are we puppets on strings under the power  and influence of other individual sentient beings

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