Someone New

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Destin appraised the new Fire Journeyman with a hint of suspicion. Never before had he met any human who did not need some healing. Always there was at least a light call that beckoned him to renew or repair what was injured or broken. But from Cyrus, there was nothing.

The Fire Council had taken some time to choose who was worthy of becoming a student of the heir apparent of the Fire Master. It had been Rosemund's call for a healer that had decided Cyrus' fate. Destin had done all that Water could do to heal the wounds the Queen had inflicted on the Priestess, but it was not enough; Rosemund needed a Fire healer. And, just as with Water, healing was a rare gift amongst those with Fire magic.

A hand grasped him, prompting Destin to turn towards its source. Paulo arched an eyebrow before squeezing Destin's shoulder lightly.

"Stop staring. You are making Cyrus uncomfortable," the Master instructed, then transitioned to a quieter voice. "What troubles you?"

"I hear no call from him. Even with those who can heal, they usually have something they cannot touch," Destin whispered back, not entirely taking his eyes off of the Fire apprentice as he spoke with Agnes and Rosemund.

"Ah, yes, that is unusual. Perhaps he can block the call?" Paulo stroked his beard and examined the tall black man who had arrived in the Vale that morning. "I have not heard of such an ability. We will have to ask Rosemund. Now that she has regained her healing gift, perhaps Fire will call what Water does not."

"Perhaps," Destin had not thought of this possibility, there were very few injuries that Water could not heal, but when they were present, it was always in a Fire magicker.

"Agnes seems relieved by his arrival," Paulo shifted the conversation, and Destin followed his cue. There was no reason to dwell on this mystery now; Destin carried enough burdens. He surveyed the Fire Master, who was sister-in-law to Paulo, and agreed that her happiness at Cyrus' arrival appeared to be more akin to deliverance. She was likely relieved to have the burden of teaching removed from her completely. Since the return of her daughter, Agnes had changed. The wound she had carried with such ill grace cracked wide open, flooding Destin with anger and fear before he realized the source. Rosemund had used the opportunity to teach Raja an aspect of Fire healing, searing an open wound. It was not as subtle as Water but effective in its way. Agnes still would not come to Destin for healing. She did not trust the blood that ran through his veins.

"Yes, she has been torn in her responsibilities of late," Leena joined them. Paulo's sister slipped her hand into Destin's companionably. She had decided they would be friends, and Destin did not have the power, or will, to deny her. Her companionship had filled some of the void created by Natalia's choice.

As if summoning her with his thoughts, Natalia walked into the sitting room accompanied by her Bond-mate and lover, Raja. Destin suppressed the jealousy that always rose in his chest when he saw them together, especially now that her belly swelled with his child. Her thin frame revealed her pregnancy even in this early stage. He could feel Natalia's ambivalence about the life growing inside of her, as well as her choice to mate with Raja, and could do nothing.

"Agnes will be happy to spend more time with Rian," Destin agreed. With Cyrus' arrival that day, and Vinder's arrival last month, the Councils had nearly completed their tasks. The Water Council still pondered. Many apprentices had petitioned to come to the Vale run by an Elemental Master who was more potent in Water magic than most Water Masters. Destin did not know for what to hope. He was unsure if he was ready to share Natalia with another Water mage.

"Oh, that child is an odd one. Nothing like the niece I once knew. How the Earth Council could have done that to such a sweet child...." Leena stopped with a quick gesture from her brother. Paulo did not condone any ill talk of the Council, and to Destin's surprise, his brother, Jordan, agreed. The two men had spent hours together in conference when Rian arrived back in the Vale, deciding how best to proceed. Dietrich and Agnes had been understandably angered by the brothers' choice not to confront the Earth Council, but Rian had seemed almost proud.

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