𝒕𝒉𝒓𝒆𝒆 💍

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"I don't share what's mine."

Jungwon sighed in relief when he finally got away from Jake, after the call he got from his friend Riki last night, Jake had been more possessive then he's ever been. Luckily he could be free from him for a while as he's pretty busy in detention.

He was headed to the library to see if he could get himself some sleep because he was exhausted. But he was stopped by the presence of his dear friend. He instantly remembered what Jake had told him.
"You either end that friendship or else I won't hesitate to do something to him."

He really didn't want to end his friendship with Riki, he meant so much to him and they have always been friends ever since they were literal babies.
He could do it some other time not now, plus Riki looked very happy at the moment he didn't want to ruin his mood.

"Hey Wonie..? You look awful, are you okay..?"
Riki asked pushing back his upcoming words. "Oh yes I'm fine.. just.. exhausted from school.." Riki wasn't fazed with that answer, the boy looked half dead like he was about to faint any moment.
"Wonie you're not okay, I'm taking you to the nurse."
"What?! No I'm okay I'm ser-" Jungwon had lost it, it had finally overtook him he needed rest. Thankfully Riki caught him before he could reach the floor.

He looked at his face, the boy was extremely pale and his eye bags were not hard to miss at all. Carefully he picked him up taking him over to the nurse.
Riki knew Jake was the reason Jungwon was like this. He had always wanted to help him but Jungwon refused and he didn't know why. It broke him to think the kitten loved a devil like Jake.


Jungwon had been resting in the nurses office for the rest of the school day with Riki checking up on him every period. Jake on the other hand had been trying to find him but couldn't. He tried calling him, nothing. It pissed him off, he had taught him to never ignore or hide from him or else things would end up bad.

Even though he hated the idea it was the only way to possibly find where he was. He went to find Sunoo one of Jungwon's friend and see if he knew where the love of his life was. When he did find him he harshly grabbed him by his shirt not wanting to be faced with the guy. "Where is Jungwon?!" Jake yelled in his face scaring the living hell out of the poor boy. "I-I-I I don't know..! I.. I haven't seen him today...!" Jake grew more furious, he hated liars.

"You wanna know something? I hate liars like you who think they can get away with everything." Jake whispered in his ear as Sunoo grew tiny horrified by the boys deep low voice. "I-I swear I'm not lying! Please let me go.." The pink hair said on urge of tears. "Fine! If you won't tell me where he is I won't hesitate to hurt you." With that Sunoo immediately let it out, he was just trying to protect his best friend but he couldn't take it anymore this guy was really threatening him.

"See that wasn't so hard now was it?" He smirked letting go of the grip he had on the boy. He made his way to the nurses office finding the front desk empty. Frustrated he went deeper into the room and saw one of the curtains covering a bed. He figured that was Jungwon as he headed over to it. Sliding the curtain open to his worst nightmare there was Riki holding the sleeping boy's hand.

Jake had never been angrier in his life, he wanted to kill the guy right there and then but he didn't want to cause a scene at the moment wanting to make sure his baby was okay. Instead he stared at Riki with a deadly look as the younger flinched at his sudden presence.
Though Riki didn't let go of Jungwon's hand afraid of what would happen if he did.

"You better let go of his hand or else kid." Jake said in a low tone. "Or else what?" Riki talked back, he didn't want to leave Jungwon's side and leave him with this psychopath no way. "Oh you don't want to know, let go of his hand and you and I won't have a problem."
"No, I won't let go." Jake's blood boiled but before he could make any move both of them noticed Jungwon was waking up.

"Wonie?!" Jungwon was trying to get used to the bright room as he finally made out his surroundings and didn't like it one bit. "Wonie are you okay?" Riki asked in worry. Jungwon couldn't answer he was too afraid knowing how pissed Jake was as he stood meters away from Riki. He knew he was in serious trouble once again.



omg I see y'all actually reading this book and wanting updates i sincerely apologize for the inactivity on this book, my motivation is literally dead but I hope I can update more 😭
for now he's a chapter that you've guys have been asking for!

I suck at actually making a story 🥹❤️

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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𝒃𝒂𝒃𝒚 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆. 𝐣𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐰𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now