Horns and Waffles

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*with Karkat's capitalization of words doesn't mean he is always yelling. It's just easier to identify his voice.

Dave yawns and tries to get up from the couch but to no avail. A sleeping Karkat growls under his breath and shifts, pulling Dave deeper into his grasp. 'Adora-fucking-ble' Dave thinks as he lays back down and accepts his fate as Karkat's stuffed animal. Or like his organ-stuffed human. To pass the time, Dave played with Karkat's mess of hair. About 20 minutes later his curiosity got the best of him. He had to touch those nubs. The candy corn color was so tempting to him. Beckoning to be touched and messed with. Slowly Dave reaches his hand over and lightly brushes one, to which he only gets slight movement from the sleeping troll. He waits about a minute or so and covers the little stump with his fingers, lightly caressing it. Karkat jumps and immediately awakes, a blush plastered on his face.

"DAVE, WHY IN THE EVER LOVING FUCK WHERE YOU TOUCHING MY HORNS?!" Karkat yells, a mix of anger, embarrassment, and arousal in his voice.

"curious... so are those like head nipples?" He replies humor dripping from his words.


"okay okay. just chill. now why can't i touch them?"

"THEY UMM CAUSE AROUSAL..." Karkat says awkwardly.

"so basically i turned you on?"


"good to know..." Says Dave under his breath making a mental note. Karkat gets up, releasing the blonde from his death grip.


"i don't know. wanna just go out to eat?" Dave says as he sits up and begins to stretch.


"to words; waf-fles."

"THAT'S ONE WORD DUMBASS." Replies Karkat.

"shh just accept it."

~time skip~

The two walk into the restaurant/diner and scout for a seat. Finally finding one, they walk over and sit down. They each pick up a menu and began contemplating what they were going to eat. Soon enough the waitress came by to write down their orders.

"Hi! I'm Katy, and I'll be your waitress today. Are you ready to order or do you need more time?"

"yeah we're ready. i'll have the red velvet pancakes and he'll have the chocolate chip waffles." Dave hands Katy the menus. Katy turns to put them away, but before she gets to the kitchen door she flips her hair over her shoulder and shoots the Strider a wink. Karkat growls under his breath, but pretends to not take notice.

"karks. i love you, you know that right?" Dave says, slight concern in his voice.

"YEAH... BUT WHY CHOOSE ME WHEN YOU CAN HAVE ANYONE?" Karkat answers, staring at his hands as he fiddles with a piece of napkin.

"cause they aren't my karkitten." Dave places his hands over the troll's,
"cause they aren't my cranky, adorable, foul mouthed, karkat."
Karkat blushes and looks up at the blonde.


Dave smirks satisfied with the answer. Taking the top off of his straw, he blows the remaining paper at Karkat. (Please say I'm not the one who does this) After a fair amount of waiting, the flirtatious waitress comes back carrying their plates of food. The two boys soon begin to devour the food sitting before them. Once Dave finishes he looks over to his boyfriend. Dave involuntarily begins to laugh. Karkat looks up and gives the laughing boy a weird look.


"you look so adorable." He says as he leans over and wipes the left overs on Karkat's face.

"OH, OOPS..." Karkat says blushing.

"you almost ready to go babe?"

"YEAH." The waitress soon comes to their table with a check. Dave gives her the money for the meal and in return she slides him a slip of paper.

"and may I ask what this is?"

The girl pushes a strand of hair behind her ear,
"My number..."

"oh. well sorry to disappoint you, but i'm kinda here with my boyfriend." He replies emphasizing the word 'boyfriend'. The girl goes from embarrassed to confused to angry. She walks away, mumbling under breath,
"Fucking homos."

The two sit there in silence for a second before bursting out into laughter. Dave gets up and holds his hand out.

"come on my 'fucking homo'" Karkat takes his hand and they walk out laughing and making fun of their situation.

Hope anyone who's reading this garbage likes it. I'd always love feedback.

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