Chapter 3

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                                                                        Chapter 3

"Are you sure it will work?" I asked thinking about the clever scheme that Mollie had come up with. "Yeah he doesn't know were i live its perfect plus you don'thave any other options do you?" She was right this plan had to work or else i was screwed. "Oh My Gosh I'mlate school start's in 5 minutes!" "What!" I said realising i had been at Mollie's  house for 20 minutes when all i was suppose to do was drop George off at school. We both ran out of the house and went different ways as i was running i thought about the plan.

Basically when George was home after school and my Dad went out to the pub at 4:00pm as normal Mollie would come and id load up her car with some of our stuff then we would get into the car and go live at her house and me and George would move school's so our dad couldn't find us it  was perfect nothing could go wrong!

I ran through the gate into the house. "Were the hell have you been!" He said coming at me with he's pool cue next thing i new i was on the floor being hit over and over again pleading him to stop but every time i did, the hit got more painful and more aggressive.He finally stopped when he heard the phone ringing and left me on the floor crying.

After i had cleaned more blood off my body and put on some fresh clothes i went and picked George up from school.As we was walking George started to ask me questions "Its hot outside why do you wear lots of clothes? Why was you crying yesterday? Why does Daddy shout at you?" I didn't reply i just kept on walking  as i was holding he's hand and finally came up with the right words to say "Don't worry George it will all be over soon" He smiled at me "Good i don't like seeing you upset" He said to me squeezing my hand tighter with he's tiny fingers.

We finally arrived home just as our Dad was getting ready to go to the pub.He starred at me as i walked through the door. "Oi make sure he's in bed by the time i get back do you understand me" "Y....Yes" He shoved me into the wall as he left the house.

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