"You're lucky I misjudged you for a deer. I could have shot you somewhere vital."

"Wouldn't have mattered. Only silver bullets cause a problem. Regular bullets are just a nuisance- OW!"

Elizabeth dropped the bullet into a small bowl and set her tweezers down.

"Either way, I'm not a sorry shot so..."

"I believe you."

"Good thing I remembered you being an odd color from the last time." Gretchen said.

"You've seen his werewolf form before?"

"Once. That's um... when I left and ended up working for you, ma'am."

"Oh. Hand me that sling." Gretchen handed her to the cloth she was pointing to as she moved Higgs' arm around. "Well, I hope there's no hard feelings. I honestly didn't know that was you."

"Of course you didn't and no, no hard feelings. I'm not sure why I ended up so far away from my usual stomping grounds, so technically I was trespassing on your property."

"I guess I'll let it slide." She said with a wink. "We'll call it even."

"Deal. You're very good at patching up bullet wounds." He said, looking at the bandaging.

"Where I live is actually the hunting cabin for my family. Every winter/early spring, my family hosts a hunt on the grounds. Everyone brings their hounds and we hunt whatever the hounds happen to catch wind of. That being said, I may be a good shot, but drunken old men and inexperienced boys are usually not. I spend most of the time after the hunt dealing with wounded calves, hands, and feet."

"I see... I would have never imagined you as a hunter."

"She's the best of her family. She's won many prizes as well as a few trophies in tournaments." Gretchen said proudly.

"Gretchen, you sing my praises too well."

"She's such a natural while she's out there. I've only ridden with her once in a true hunt and she reminds me of how the Celts used to be. Such precision."

"It's a lasting hobby for me. It's something I love to do."

"What do you hunt?" Higgs asked, trying to stay comfortable sitting on a stump naked.

"Deer mostly, but it's usually whatever I feel and whatever is around. For a quick shot I will go after pheasants and crows."


"Damnedable things. They eat the bait as well as hover over your kill. They're about as bad as trying to farm... Silly question, but I don't presume you hunt, do you?"

"Not like you do and not often. I'm not fond of it. It makes me feel more of an animal than I already feel."

"I thought not. Merida had mentioned something about I when she came over a long time ago. The waiting area is also our um... spoils area. Lots of stuffed kills and such."

"Well, to each their own."

"I don't think I shot you anywhere else so you should be good to go. Would you like for me to send you back in a carriage?"

"No, I can walk."

Elizabeth blinked. "All the way back in nothing but your skin? That's way too far to walk and far too long for exposure."

"I'm a werewolf so the journey isn't much."

"But you're naked."

Higgs fidgeted. "Yes, well... nothing new."

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now