Merida opened her eyes, feeling very warm. She turned over and found Higgs sleeping beside her, his arm over her waist. When did he get home? And what happened to his shoulder? she thought, seeing where it was wrapped up. Since he was on his stomach, he had been in her bed for a while, which meant that she had been asleep longer than she intended to be. She turned over and blew on his face until he opened his eyes at her.

"Your breathe smells minty."

"I'm glad. Why are ye here?"

"I came to check on you. Edgar said you were sick, but when I got here, you looked so pretty and serene that I didn't want to wake you up... and I was also tired."

"We are not setting a verra good example. We should try to set a bit of boundaries until the wedding."

"But it's so far away..." he pouted.

"That's yer choice, not mine. What happened to yer shoulder?"

"I got shot." He said, turning to her.


"Don't worry, Edgar chewed me out already. He's quite good at imitating you."

"Cheeky." He winked at her. "What time is it?"

"Lunch, I presume. I hate these night months. I can never get my day straight."

"Aye... Who shot ye?"

"A hunter, obviously."

"Ye're a bad liar."

"I'm not lying. She really was a hunter."

"You got shot by Elizabeth?" she said with a frown.

Higgs frowned too. "Why would you come to that conclusion? It could have been anyone."

"I went to her house, Higgs; I saw her animal trophies. Plus she owns part of Prestwick Forest."

"Prestwick Forest?"

"Aye... that's the name of that big ole pile of trees behind the house."

"It is?"

"Ye own this property and lived here half yer life and ye dinnae even ken the name of the forest ye tromps around in?"

"Well, you lived here for four years and didn't even know I was a baron, so..."

"Fine... but how did ye even end up over there? I dinnae ken ye've ever gone that far down the forest to end up in her territory."

"I got distracted while I was chasing something and followed it all the way to her side I guess."

"I ken it's hard for ye to keep yer wits about ye, but an ye can, try to keep to yer side of the forest. Dinnae ken it's best to encroach on her land."

"Thank you for putting it nicely, but Gretchen pretty adamantly told me not to go back there."


"She was with Elizabeth when they caught me and walked me back home. She was quite focused on me not going back there."

"If Gretchen is warning ye, then dinnae ye ken there's a serious issue? I cannae recall one time where Gretchen and I were on the same page, but an she is, this isnae something to take lightly. Please, Mr. Higgs, try to keep away from there."

"I will do all I can but I can't make any promises. You know that some creatures aren't able to be rationalized with while I'm turned." He got up, stretching. "I'll have someone bring food."

"Higgs." He turned back to her. "I ken ye cannae help yerself at times, but I'm being serious. Be careful."

"I will be."

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now