Edgar paced the living room.

Something was wrong.

He didn't want to wake Merida in case it was another weird night for Higgs but it just... wasn't the same. Something was very wrong. Finally, he couldn't take it anymore and he went up the stairs, knocking on Merida's door.

"Merida? Can I come in?"

There was no answer so he decided to take a chance and just walked into her room. She was sleeping quite deep, all cattywompered, and Edgar hated to wake her but he gently shook her.

"Higgs, just get in..." she mumbled.

"It's me, Ma."

"Ye can get in too lovey..."

"No, wake up. Something wrong, can't you feel it?"

Merida moaned and straightened herself out. "Of course I cannae feel anything because I was sound asleep."

"Come on, Merida, wake up already. Usually this would have woken you up right out of a slumber. If I can feel it then I definitely know you can."

Merida sighed as Edgar grabbed her arm, trying to get her to get up and become alert to the issue.

"Laddy, an ye dinnae let go of me-" She suddenly seemed to wake up and sat up straight. "Something's wrong."

"I told you!" Edgar practically screamed.

"Aye, that ye did, lad... Where is Mr. Higgs?"

"He's not home yet. The sun hasn't risen completely but usually he's coming through the door or hanging around to come in."

"Get yer boots on. We're going to go and look for him." She said, starting to animate.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"Ye're the one who said something was amiss and ye're right about it. I'd rather us be wrong and he's off chasing a rabbit than us be right and he's in a bad spot. An ye're coming then get."

He nodded as Merida changed from her nightgown into a pair of pants that Higgs had left in her room (or she had stolen, she couldn't remember) and grabbed one of her ugliest dresses and cut it down to make a shirt of sorts. She met Edgar out in the hallway, who had gone to get some shoes, and he made a face at her.

"I could have gotten you a better shirt."

"I didnae want to wait. Let's get some horses and go."


They road through the forest all night, calling for Higgs and looking for signs of him sneaking about. As the sun began to rise over horizon, Merida to stop because the jarring of the horse was making her sick. She dismounted and ran to the edge of the path, vomiting into some bushes. Edgar waited patiently for her as he looked around the quiet wood when he spotted the chimney of a house a little deeper in the forest. He made a face, knowing only one person that had their house so deep set in the trees.

"Merida, I think we are on Lady Hinkley's property." He said, pointing to the chimney.

Merida wiped her mouth and looked at where he was pointing. She walked back to the horse and grabbed the reigns, opting to walk for a bit.

"If that's the case, it would be better an I was off the horse anyhow. I cannae overlook anything when it comes to that woman."

"You don't think she did something, do you?" Edgar asked, a small fear blooming in his heart.

"Cannae be too sure with her or without proof. Ye just tell me an ye see Higgs from up there and I will see if I can find anything useful down here."

Edgar nodded as they walked slowly through the wood.

To Love A Myth - Book 2: Mr. Higgs and the Lady 🎩✔️Where stories live. Discover now