𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 8

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The next morning I was lying in bed staring at the ceiling, Ajax was already up and the house was filled with a lovely scent of breakfast. Last night he apologized and assured me that he would never leave me. I was probably dependent on him, I realized that I couldn't do without him anymore.

I didn't like the thought that he was about to leave me for a few days, but I couldn't change that. I got up with a sigh and went into the kitchen, Ajax had cooked something for me. "Good morning, I have to go now, enjoy it." I still got to hear and he pressed a kiss on my lips.

"Be careful." I sat down at the table and stared at the food, then my boyfriend disappeared before my eyes. I ate a few bites and wondered what I should do, maybe I could go visit my mother. After putting away the dishes, I left my home sadly and walked the streets of Liyue Harbor.

People preferred to avoid me, I didn't know why, but I didn't care either. Well, back then, Ajax and I did some bad things, but that didn't really matter. I knocked on the door and entered my mother's apartment, who immediately welcomed me with open arms.

"I thought you'd never visit me!" She kissed my forehead, almost smothering me with love, a smile tugged at my lips and we walked into the living room. "What brings you to me, my dear?"

I sighed and sat down on the floor, laying my head on her lap and she stroked my hair. "There's one thing that worries me. I want to know what's being hidden from me, but I'm afraid I'll regret my curiosity." I spoke about the key, more precisely the locked room in my house. I didn't want to give her any details, I just wanted to indirectly explain that I want to know what Ajax is hiding there, but I was afraid.

My mother thought for a moment and hummed, then she seemed to think of something and looked at me with a soft smile. My mother was quite smart, I was sure she knew what I was talking about. "I think you should listen to your heart. But if dark secrets would come to light as a result, you have to be able to live with it. Best be careful and take care of yourself."

I nodded in amazement, what if something really dark was about to be uncovered? People didn't seem very welcoming of Ajax and I was afraid to understand why. We were quite happy, what if all of that was destroyed?

Regardless, I needed to know. I fumbled the key out of my pocket and stared at it, she was right. Once I went back home I would enter the room.

I stayed with my mother until the next evening, we told each other things about the city, the wilderness and life in general. I also told her that I was now officially dating Ajax, but she didn't seem too enthusiastic about it, but didn't explain why. After we ate dinner together, we hugged and I went back home.

Now I would have the courage to finally uncover the secret in that room, what could possibly wait for me there? Perhaps it was just files of customers and broken toys.


"I wonder..."


𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 - »𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎  𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚎«Where stories live. Discover now