𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟿

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I looked outside, the city had changed. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Jian didn't take his eyes off me, even when I looked at him. I squirmed with an uneasy feeling in my stomach, Viktor must have noticed as he turned and looked at us in the carriage.

"You don't seem to like it when people look at you like that, do you?" my friend asked and i nodded, "of course not! who would like that?" Jian just laughed. The next moment Viktor stopped the carriage and got off.

"I have to give something away. I'll be right back, just stay in the carriage." With these words, my bodyguard ran away. At the same moment I left the carriage and stood in the middle of a crowded square. It snowed.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Jian asked as he followed me out of the vehicle. "Isn't that obvious?" I grinned at him and took a deep breath of the fresh cold air. "Oh, I missed that." Then a voice called us. "Hey! Get back in the carriage now!" Viktor quickly rushed towards us and I smiled innocently. "But Viktor...." The next moment I grabbed Jian's wrist and started running as fast as I could run in low heels. "Miss!"

We stormed through the crowd laughing. At the time I didn't think about the consequences it would all have for me, but I wish I had never asked for a trip.

Panting, we stopped at a small shop and Jian smiled. "May I take you out for a hot drink?" I couldn't say no to that sugar-sweet smile, so I nodded "I'd love to!" We walked into this little shop and my friend ordered two hot drinks for us and even brought a pastry.

"What's that?" shrugging his shoulders, he handed me a cup and the smell of cinnamon hit my nose immediately. A nice smell. There was no such thing in Liyue at all. I sipped the drink and smiled, then Jian held the pastry to my mouth. "Open your mouth, honey." Confused, I opened my mouth and bit off a piece. It tasted of vanilla.

We left the store and strolled through the streets of Snezhnaya. "It's nice here, I must admit." I bit my lip nervously, not really listening. 'Damn' I thought. "What's the matter, little one?" I looked at the blond young man, shocked by the nicknames he suddenly called me. "Ajax will be furious..."

The next moment I was overwhelmed and dropped the cup, some spilled on my dress, my skin felt like it was burning. Jian had grabbed my wrist unexpectedly and shoved me gently against a wall where he then looked me deep in the eyes. They shone a bright green, so trustworthy. "Forget about him. Just for a moment. Have fun." He whispered in a gentle, soothing voice.

As if on cue, the ginger disappeared from my mind and my cheeks turned red. Whether from the cold or because Jian was so close to me, I don't know. But somehow I enjoyed this proximity. His body pressed against mine and mesmerized by those beautiful, mysterious eyes, I let him. Our lips almost touched, Jian smirked, almost devilishly. I was lost.

My breath was shaky, his warm hand roaming my freezing skin to my chin, making sure I wouldn't take my eyes off of him, but I couldn't anyway. I felt his hot breath and just thought when he would kiss me. He came closer and closer until I was pressed firmly against the wall. "Jian..." I muttered softly. I didn't want this but I was like in a trance.

The snow fell gently on us while Jian still looked deep into my eyes. It felt so wrong yet so good as our lips touched. He had pinned my wrist to the wall with a firm grip. His other hand was now pressing my hips tightly against him as we kissed. No. I didn't want that but there was nothing I could do but surrender to him.

He knew what he was doing. I looked at him desperately, almost pleadingly.

He was so damn handsome and kissed damn well. But I felt so miserable. I wanted it but I didn't want it. I wanted Ajax but I also wanted Jian. I was confused, my head hurt. I started to squirm. When he didn't seem to stop, I bit his lip and he groaned loudly. He looked very angry but instead of yelling at me he just said, "Fuck I'm sorry, I've wanted to do this for so long." He stroked my lips, which he looked at with a smile, and at the same moment Viktor reached us.

I stumbled towards him relieved. "Viktor..." He saw my confusion, it was literally written all over my face. He then looked at my red-stained dress. My guard gently put an arm around my shoulders and led me to the carriage. I was cold. Jian walked quietly beside us and just as quietly got into the carriage.

However, before I could get in, the fatui whispered something to me. "Master Tartaglia is very upset." I held my breath and got into the carriage, ashamed. I didn't know how to feel. Jian was so kind, so gentle, and he wasn't a sick psychopath. With the chaos that Jian unleashed in me, I sat quietly next to him and played with my hands. He placed his hand on mine and smiled. "Stop doing that."

It didn't take 10 minutes until we reached the palace. Fuck




𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚕𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 - »𝚈𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛𝚎  𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚎«Where stories live. Discover now