Snow Day (Scarian)

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Okay, this is a pretty strange au and it's also kinda funny because I don't typically like high school AUs. So basically the hermits are like high school to collage age(it's unclear what) and for some reason they all live in the same apartment building and basically go back and forth between each other's apartments, honestly I've never lived in an apartment so I'm probably going to get facts wrong. Also I'm gonna reference Empires because why not. 

Grian was waken up by someone shaking him.

"Wake up sleepy head," sang a voice, it was Scar's.

"Five more minutes," grumbled the sweater wearing man, pulling his pillow over his head.

"It's 7 am," Scar continued.

"Wait what?!" Grian sat up, he was going to be late, "I gotta get-" Scar was laughing as Grian panicked, "what's so funny?"

"Gotcha!" Said Scar, still laughing, "it's a snow day!" 

Grian looked out the window and sure enough, piles of snow were on the ground. He could see Xisuma in the yard supervising Hels and Xae as the two through snowballs as each other. Xae through one a bit to hard at Hels' face and ended up getting a scolding from their older brother. 

"So, why did you wake me up if I could have slept in?"

"Because I was bored, Bdubs was busy doing stuff with Doc, Mumbo and Iskall are doing whatever the heck those two do, so I woke you up," said Scar. Grian got out bed, still annoyed.

"Fine, let me make breakfast then we can hang out," Grian looked down at his parrot pajamas he was wearing, "and change."

"I already made breakfast, Jellie helped. I'll set the table while you change." 

Grian decided not to question how and why Jellie had helped make breakfast. Scar walked out of the room and Grian got dressed into his classic red sweater and gray pants, attempted(and failed) to make his hair stay down and pet Pearl on the head, the sliver cat was laying on the windowsill above Grian's bed. 

He walked out of the room into the kitchen where scar was sitting, sipping a mug of hot chocolate, a stack of confetti waffles on a plate in the middle with all sorts of toppings surrounding it, Nutella, sprinkles, chocolate chips, syrup, whipped cream, and more sprinkles. Scar glanced at where Grian was standing.

"I made you coffee," he pointed at the counter which had a mug sitting on it. Grian grabbed it and was about to sit on the chair next to Scar when he noticed a lump of golden brown fur on it.

"Maui!" He exclaimed, nudging the cat of the chair. Maui complied and jumped off. Scar put a waffle on his plate and doused it in whipped cream. Grian laughed and grabbed a waffle of his own.


Grian wrapped his green scarf around his neck and followed Scar out the main door and into the snow. It took only two seconds for a rouge snowball from Hels to hit Scar and knock him into the ground.

"Sorry!" Shouted Hels.

"How on Earth did you miss by that much?" Came the voice of Xae.

"We'll excuse me, I'm what's called a human, and they're not perfect."

"Really? I didn't know that you're not a human, because all I see is perfection." 

Grian glanced over in Hels' direction to see he was bright red. Then what seemed like out of nowhere a snow ball hit him right in the face. Grian turned around to see Scar had thrown a snowball in revenge. Soon it was all out war, snowballs throwing left and right, occasionally hitting a supervising Xisuma. After a bit they got bored and split up, Scar and Grian headed off to an untouched part of the yard. 

"Do you want to build a fort or something?" Asked Grian. 

"Yep!" Exclaimed Scar, the two started to build that while Scar sang Disney songs, Grian occasionally joining in if he knew the lyrics. Eventually Scar started to try and only sing songs about winter and snow, 99% of them ended up being Frozen songs. Grian was fine, until Scar arrived at Let it Go.

"Okay, Mr. Goodtimes, if you're gonna sing Let it Go, then go over to Empires street, Smajor over there as sung that like a million times," laughed Grian, quickly making a snowball and throwing it at him.

"Hey! No throwing snowballs!" Shouted Scar, who proceeded to throw one and Grian.

Once they finished their tiny snow fort Scar declared it the castle of Jellietopia. Before they could do anything a 3rd floor window opened and Iskall stuck his head out.

"Who wants hot chocolate and cookies!" Exclaimed the Swedish man. Scar looked up at Iskall.

"Is there chocolate chip?"

"Yep, me and Mumbo made peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies," replied Iskall.

"Let's go!" Exclaimed Scar, he grabbed Grian's hand and dragged him through the snow and all the way into the building. When the pair reached Iskall's apartment the door was wide open.

"We are here for the cookies," announced Scar walking in. Mumbo and Iskall were sitting at the table, two plates of cookies in front of them as they laughed.

"It is a chicken that you have as a pet, not a parrot!" Insisted Iskall.

"He is clearly a parrot, I can go grab him to prove it!" The two clearly hadn't heard Scar so he cleared his throught and tried again.

"We are here for the cookies!" This time the arguing pair both heard him and looked up.

"Hi," said Grian, grabbing a peanut butter cookie.

"You also said there was hot chocolate, do you have any left?" Asked Scar excited. Mumbo nodded and pointed to a pitcher, mugs are in the cabinet next to it. Scar pored himself a mug, grabbed a cookie and sat down.

"You already had hot chocolate, you don't need more," said Grian, munching on his fourth cookie.

"Who cares, hot chocolate is amazing," said Scar.

"Can't argue with that," added Iskall.

After a bit more of the hermits flooded in, until the small apartment was full. Xisuma was having a conversation with Keralis while sipping a cup of tea. Doc and Bdubs where arguing about something while Ren stood next to them, snickering, a couple hermits like Etho, Cub and Stress where sitting with Scar watching a Disney movie and everyone else was just chilling around eating Cookies. Grian leaned on the couch Scar was sitting on, bitting into a cookie and watching as Scar sang Hukuna Matata.  Eventually Grian joined in and soon the pair were singing together. Once the sing was over they just sat there, laughing. 


Later that night Grian was laying in bed he couldn't stop thinking about the day's events, the waffles, the snowballs, the fort, the cookies and movies...Scar in general. Why was he thinking so much about Scar lately? He turned over in bed, it was strange, he never used to think about any one like this. And then he realized.

Oh shoot...

I finally wrote fluff, I'm so proud of myself, I never lost motivation on this the entire time.

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