M-Mr Cookie..?

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It was a normal day for Elmo, he woke up got changed and got ready for school. Elmo was a poor high school student, living by himself he could barely pay his monthly rent. School isn't any better for Elmo either, everyone bully's him for being poor.  Elmo works a part time job but it barely helps him.

Elmo eats his breakfast then goes to school, like always he starts getting bullied. They started bullying him because he cant even afford a school uniform. Elmo walks away as quickly as possible  and he gets away from them. Elmo opens up his locker and starts getting his stuff but then a student  came along and pushed him inside of his locker "Ha that's what you get poor boy" he said laughing then shut the locker. He ran away when he saw one of the teachers coming. That teacher being Mr. Cookie. Mr. Cookie was Elmo's business teacher, he's very nice to the students including Elmo. Mr. Cookie heard Elmo crying inside of the locker. "Elmo?? Are you in there?" Mr. Cookie said. "Mr. Cookie..? Is that you?" Elmo said crying. "Yes its me, uh how did you get in there Elmo?" Mr. Cookie asked him, there was silence. "Nevermind.. ill help you get ok? What's your locker combination?" Mr. cookie said to Elmo. "Its 345169" He said to Mr. Cookie. Mr. Cookie opens up his locker and helps get out. "T-Thank you Mr. Cookie..." Elmo said. "You should hurry, first period is about to start" He said to Elmo. 

Elmo starts walking to his English class, his English teacher is Mrs. Big Bird (iknowbigbirdisaboyitdoesntmattero k). Mrs. Big Bird is also very nice to everyone, shes also Elmo's counselor.  Elmo walks in Mrs. Bird's classroom. "Good morning Elmo, how was your day so far?" She said smiling. She then realizes that Elmo is crying "Oh no Elmo what happened? Are you ok? Do you want to talk about it?" She said worried. "Can we talk about it after school.. please?" He said. "Of course we can, go take a seat ok?" Elmo goes to sit down at his seat in the back. "Hey did you hear what happned to Elmo? He got stuffed inside of his locker" "What a loser" "I would rather die then be him" "If i were him i would like die, if yk what im trying to say.." "He's so poor, does he even have any friends?" the students said making fun of him. "Everyone, dont say those things ok? Would you like it if your classmates said that about you?" Mrs. Bird said to the students, everyone went quiet. "Now everyone the lesson will start, today we're going to learn about ......" Mrs. Bird kept talking but Elmo wasnt listening, he was trying his best to not cry. A student passed a note to Elmo, he opened it and it read "Are you seriously about to cry? You're such a baby Elmo, no wonder nobody likes you. Youre a mistake." Elmo starts crying but quietly so the class doesn't notice. The bell rings "Okay everyone! Thats todays lesson, i hope you have a nice rest of your day!" Everyone gets up goes out the class. Big Bird sees elmo and asks "Do you still want to talk later?" He nods his head and goes out the classroom and walks to next period.

He enters Mr. Cookies classroom since it was his second class for today. As he walks in he accidently crashes into a student and falls on top of the student. He realizes what happened and he quickly gets up and tries to help the person get up and apologizes . As soon as the student gets up he pushes elmo to ground. "Dont ever touch me or  speak to me again" He kicks elmo and goes to his seat. Everyone starts laughing at Elmo. Elmo gets up and runs to the bathroom. As elmo is running to the bathroom he starts crying. Mr. cookie saw what happened, he got mad at the students and went after Elmo. Elmo locked himself in one of the bathroom stalls. Mr. Cookie got to bathroom and heard Elmo crying. "Elmo? Come out Its Mr. Cookie" Elmo heard this and went out. Mr cookie saw him crying and hugged him.

"Elmo im sorry you have to go through this" Elmo just stood there crying while hugging Mr. Cookie. "You know.. i can help you.. it comes with a price though." "What is it Mr. Cookie?" Elmo asked. "Your virginity" (ASDUAHAU HELP THAT SOUNDS SO WEIRD N=BUT I DIDNT KNOW HOW ELSE TO WORD IT) "Wh-what..?" elmo asked in confusion. Mr. Cookie pinned elmo against the wall. There was silence. "Are you okay with this Elmo" he said staring at Elmo. Elmo went in for a kiss. They kissed for a minute. "I'll do anything if it will help me." elmo said... They started making out and Mr. Cookie pushed elmo into a stall. He started biting elmos small body. Elmo whimpering with every bite. Elmo is now naked lol. Mr. cookie pushes him against the wall. He takes off his pants. "Are you okay with this, kid?" Elmo shook his head. "DAMN YOUR TIGHT KID" DJSADHFSKJDS Mr. cookie said to elmo and he shoved it inside of elmo. Elmo MOANING (HELP ASKDSADS). "Damn youre tight kid-" Mr cookie said. Mr. Cookie had to cover Elmos moith cu s he was moaning o=so much. They heard someone enter the bathroom. Mr. cookie picked up elmo so they couldnt see that elmo and him was n the bathrom havinhsec  idk ho w to grammer help. Mr. cookie was touching emo and stuffed his fingers in his mouth. The person left and mr. cookie started sucking elmos p p. They continued this until the bell rang. Elmo heard the bell ring and told mr. cookie that he had to go. "Damn my ass really hurts" Elmo said as he looked for somewhere to sit down. he sat down " o w"

School ended so elmo went to go talk to big bird. He walked to Big Birds office and sat down. "Hi elmo! How are you?" Big bird asked elmo. She noticed that elmo looked.. off. "Whats wrong elmo? did something happen?" She said waiting for elmo to respond. "I-i.." elmo began. "Its okay elmo, take your time sweetie" she said. "I-i kind of had an affair with my teacher... because he said he would help me...." elmo said, ashamed. "Oh my god elmo, who was is?" she said. "It was mr cookie..." There was silence. Big bird stood up, walked over to elmo and slapped him. Elmo laid on the floor, crying, confused why Mrs. Big bird slapped him. "You son of a bitch" She said to Elmo "HE'S MY HUSBAND" she yelled (help ikm laughing too much at this) there was another silence. She stood elmo up and grabbed him by his wrist. They were walking to Bird's car. "W-where are you taking me?" Elmo asked she didnt respond though. They got in the car and she started driving to her house. She walked in and looked for mr. cookie "Hey honey how was-" MRS BIRD SLAPPED COOKIE ACROSS THE FACE EHEHEHEE "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" she yelled at COOKIE. COOKIE WAS CONFUSED THEN HE SAY ELMO. "oh fuck" he thought to himself. they started fighting then elmo decided to speak up. "Im sorry" he stated. "Let me fix this" he walked over to cookie monster and touched his cock. bird and cookie were confus. big birf got mad THEN HE TOUCHED THE BOOBA :OOOOOOOO THEY GOT HORNY ALL OF THEM THE 3 OF THEM THEY STARTED FUCKING LIKE CRAZY DUDE ELMO 

im sorry for thissdfmkdsf

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2022 ⏰

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