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Giggling could be heard for a while a woman smiling followed by a little girl with a doll in hand

"You need to wake up" the women smiled cooing the young girl to stay awake

"But I'm tired"

"You need to wake up now"


"Wake up"



I gasp as I wake up with sweat rolling down my forehead.

"You're awake"

I turned to see a man sitting beside the bed waiting for me to wake up. It was the same room from before, evening had finally rolled in and it was as quite as it could be. The situation finally started to seep in.

I moved to wards the far end of the bed no sure what to expect.

"You're Lan Xichen"

"Yes" a calm voice replied staring straight at me trying to figure out my next move

"And we are in Cloud recess"


I moved as far away as I possibly could, honestly, I was scared, and everything was just too much the quietness and why was he so calm

"How did I get here" I asked trying to find something that could connect the dots in my missing memory

"One of the disciples found you in the forest drenched, brought you back and we took care of your wounds" he said pointing towards the obvious bandages on my stomach.

"Purple eyes..."


"nothing" I had so many questions, but I had a feeling none of them would be answered right now the look in his eyes told me he had questions of his own but was holding back due to my condition.

Always so kind, always thinking of other even now

I smile at the thought of knowing something no one else does

"Why am I here I could harm you or any other disciple" I need to know how much he would tolerate before breaking, to plan my next move

"Would you prefer to be in chains"

"Any other sect would have done tha..."

Cough couch

My throat collapsed with thirst, a glass of water was placed before me in a moment, drowning it whole before speaking again ,

"What's your name"

"Uhh..." what was I supposed to say

"Yue Meili" I mumbled as low as I could


"Yue Meili"

"Why are you here" that was the first question he asked me just as I kept the empty glass down

What am I supposed to tell him that I was in my home in another world reading about them and then I oh so magically ended up here?

No way anyone would believe that

"would you believe me if I said I don't remember" I looked straight in his eyes trying to convey with every ounce of my sincerity that I was telling the truth hoping that he would believe me .

There was doubt in his eyes before he relaxed back in his chair

"Do you remember how you go here"

I shook my head "I don't know"

Sighing he got up moved to the window thinking, trying to understand, make a decision , then with one last look he moved to the door about to leave

"wait" halting his hand at the door he turned to look at me

"What would happen to me"

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped changing his mind before beginning

"We'll have to ask the elders; you should focus on healing for now"

With that he left me alone with my thoughts


I closed my eyes praying all of this is just a dream

The next time I opened my eyes it was early morning with the sun partially visible under the horizon. A women came in with my food and left after making sure I had my medicine, from what she told me

I was unconscious for 2 days after I was found by 3 disciples passing by in the jungle and brought back here for treatment

I was being kept in a room for visitors thanks to Zewu Jun's request rather than locked up somewhere the only constraint on me are the two guards outside the room I was asked only to leave when called for.

The elders are yet to make their decision on what to do with me but whatever it is it can't be good .

I got up from the bed and moved towards the bowl of water provided to wash my face

"What a mess"

Before all of this I was home from school reading this book and now I'm in it?!

I need to know more about what is going on I can't do anything if I am unaware.

3 days later

The maid left the room after giving me the medicine due to which I was healing fast but Lan Xichen or someone else has not visited me after our conversation

From what the maid told me I came here on the first day when then classes were to start but due to the incident they were postponed for a while after making sure I was not a threat I was allowed to move around with the condition to always be accompanied by one of the disciples.

I didn't go out much too consumed by my own thoughts, I was really here it looked so peaceful here it would all be burned in half a year or so. everything destroyed, so many dead.

If I tell them, would they believe me, would anyone believe a girl who just showed up out of nowhere, but I can't just let them suffer not when I can save them I have to, I'm the only one that knows.

I saw a group of disciples walking down unaware of the future, they had no idea what was going to happen.

I haven't met Wei Wuxian yet, but I think he was the one who saved me In the forest. Flashes of what he goes though flash before my eyes, the pain the loneliness, the hurt. I have a chance to stop that to shape a better future for him, and I will if I can.

I Will Save Them All.


Author's Note

And that's 1030  words not bad not bad at all ....  I hope you enjoy the chapter and I found this playlist on you tube loving each and every song in this hope you enjoy it 

Cheers :)

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