What's going on with Dream-01

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English may be inaccurate or bad as it is not my original language
TW. Depression, cutting, blood, bad thoughts, anorexia, insomnia 

POV: Dream
-It was great! Have you seen the chat reactions? "Tommy scream with excitement
-Yeah, it was cool.-Tubbo agreed with Tommy
In this moment, I stopped listening and started looking at the chat reaction to Lore.
-Hope there won't be a lot of Hate Comments this time.-I sighed and started browsing the chat

"Dream it was great!"
"I can't believe how you fooled Tommy"
"I can't wait for the sequel"
"I Love It!"
After reading this I let a little smile creep over my face but not long after that more comments came out. 

"Dream sucks"
"Tommy is so much better. Dream spoils the whole RP"
"#killDream let's make it a trend"
"I do not believe that you could spoil the RP so much"
"Even George is better than Dream!"
"Dream, leave this RP and let the rest do it, you're not fit for this"

-D ....- DRE ....- DREAM! - I was disturbed by the screams of my friends
-What? What is it? - I asked confused
-You didn't answer our question for 30 minutes- Ranboo said with concern in his voice
-Are you alright Babyboy? -Wilbur's voice echoes in my head as I sink into my thoughts again. I blushed at these words.
-Y-Yes, of course it is. And I told you not to call me that! - I shouted, irritated by the nickname from Wilbur
-Of course BabyBoy-Wilbur said he was trying to piss me off even more but there was still concern in his voice

-So dream, why don't you answer our question for 30 minutes?- Phil asked with concern and clearly audible worry in his voice
-Patches accosted me so I went to feed her and let her outside - I answer, trying to hide the sadness in my voice
-Oh okay Big D, so let's get back to the question. Can you tell us how your chat reacted?- Tommy says excitedly
- Yes, they told me that I should kill you 2 times, not just 1- I said, with a fake laugh so that the others would stop worrying.

Everyone without Tommy started laughing
-Big D wasn't nice!- Tommy screamed indignantly
-Those are Chat's words, not mine.- I said, pretending to laugh too
-Now I'm sorry, but I have to go! BYE! - I got out of Discord quickly

I feel bad lying to my friends, but I don't want them to worry about me. I sighed as I got up from my chair and headed for the bathroom, which didn't come out due to vertigo. I leaned against the desk, trying to keep my balance. After a while the dizziness subsided and I reached the bathroom. I looked in the mirror.
- I'm too fat, I have to stop eating so much - I sighed, looking away from the mirror and opening the cupboard. The metal box immediately caught my attention. I opened it and took out one of the razor blades, taking off my green sweatshirt, I started making cuts on my hands:

one for: being ugly
second for: spoiling everything
third for: worrying friends with unimportant problems

I did this until I was happy and I had fifteen wounds on each arm. I rinsed the blood from my hands and bandaged it. Rinse face with cold water and I went back to my room. I grabbed my laptop and lay down on the bed editing movies and playing with Patches. I didn't want to eat tonight, so I spent the rest of the evening editing the video.


So here's the first chapter. It's short, but I'll try to make the next one longer.

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