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Time skip after a week

-Its been a week since they got in Thailand and pretending to be a married couple. Their relationship to each other deepens. Yeah, they become more close, they literally making their pretendings to be in reality. As I said they become closer. More than a CEO and Assistant relationship, and maybe in some few times more than friends-

- Jimin was doing something on his laptop related on his company. While Lisa she's going somewhere, that Jimin is confused for-

Jimin: where are you going?
-he said still focusing on his laptop-

Lisa: somewhere out there

Jimin: where?

Lisa: walk around

Jimin: with that clothes
-he said and look at her-

(She was wearing shorts red cute dress)
(Sorry I can't present a picture some internet problem)

Lisa: hmm what's wrong?

Jimin: you were literally showy

Lisa: aniyo. Stop being a killjoy


Lisa: his here!

Jimin: who?

Lisa: umm, bye

Jimin: don't! I'm going to open the door

Lisa: ANI!

Jimin: waeyo?
-he smirk-

-he walk at the door and open revealing...-

Jimin: Ten?

Ten: ohh hey Jimin

Jimin: are you going to hangout with MY wife?

Lisa: umm a friendly date


Ten: umm I thought she already got your permission

Jimin: hmm? My permission huh?
-he said and secretly glare-

Lisa:(looking down)

Ten: umm, anyway can I have her?

Jimin: can you have her?

Ten: I mean like, umm on our ahh friendly date

Jimin: do my wife want?

Lisa: huh? Umm ahh I-i

Jimin: okay, just drop her back here safely and untouched

Ten: yeah, okay

Lisa: thank you

Jimin: make sure you won't do anything naughty
-he whisper-
Lisa: hmm

Ten: let's go

After they leave

Jimin: aish, I thought she already move on. And don't like him but why did she angry to have a so called "friendly" date. And is he so special to be prepared for

Jimin: some where out there
- he said while watching Ten's car to leave-


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