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Next day

Lisa's POV
- good morning everyone, today is my first day of being an assistant. I'm really excited right now at the same time nervous too. Anyway I wore this-

(That looks so good)

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(That looks so good)

At Park's Company

Lisa's POV
-seems I'am to early huh. Mr. Park is not here yet-

(She roam at her CEO's office and found a picture frame)

(She roam at her CEO's office and found a picture frame)

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Lisa: he's so cute when he is still a baby
-she smiled-

Lisa: why is there no family picture of them here?

Lisa: why is there no family picture of them here?

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Lisa: his friends, they are all handsome

The door bang and Lisa flinch

Jimin: put that down

Lisa: ne, Good morning Mr. Park

Jimin: do you think it was a good morning

Lisa: ne, why wouldn't it be?

Jimin: Rule 1,no meddling

Lisa: ne!

Jimin: tea

Lisa: huh?

Jimin: you heard me right

Jimin: you heard me right

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