~Boboiboy Galaxy Episode 2~

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/The black screen fade showing an alleyway at nighttime, white cat get startled by a sudden light as it showed to be Adu Du's spaceship hovering over the alleyway. Adu du and Probe appeared on screen

Adu Du: "Hehehe. Our time has come."/

"Adu Du?" The Kokotaim gang exclaimed regconising the voice and shape of the figures

"Huh, he's definitely here to steal Ochobot or Motobot!" Ying scoffed

"It looks like he has grown too" Yaya point out

"Yeah, aliens got ages too y'know" Fang briefly explained, receiving nods from his friends.

"Ish... Why do you guys care about the square head?" Blaze angrily said, leaning on his seat

"Yeah, care about the cat. It got startled and ran away" Thorn pouts earning stares and chuckles

/The scene change to the broken down spaceship, while Koko Ci is repairing it

Motobot: "Commander, how much longer are the repairs going to take?"

Koko Ci: "Hmm... A couple of days more."

Motobot: "A couple of days? What if those space pirates manage to track us?"/

"They actually already did..." Ice finally spoke up

/Koko Ci: "Don't you worry, Motobot. We are under Bbb's protection."/

"Future you seems to have a lot of trusts in me." Bbb to the commander, with a nod in reply

/Tok Aba: "Bbb! Grab these drinks will you?"

Bbb: "Okay, Tok!"

Ochobot: "Bbb, clean up that table over there."

Bbb: "Huh?"

Mr. Mat: "Ah, you, boy. The cheque please"

Tok Aba: "Quick, Bbb. The ice is starting to melt."

Bbb: "Err... I can't handle this alone" (watch flash)

Bbb: "Bbb Kuasa Tiga!"/

"Looks like we're doing that way, like the old times" Gempa said, feeling the nostalgia as the Og trio gets thrown back to the time, when and how chaotic it was when they were first summoned to help out at Tok Aba's shop duel to their forgetfulness

"Ori used you guys to help at the shop when he first got you?" Solar asked the trio, sharing expressions with the three other elements

"Aha, yeah... we were surprised too" Taufan chuckled and look at his user

"What? I mean... the more people, the more work can be done, right?" Bbb reasoned. The elements didn't see anything wrong with it, as long as they could help their owner for good will, they're willing to do it

/Tanah: "Angin, you help out Tok Aba."

Angin: (salutes) "hehe."/

Fangirls screaming at the back as Taufan flinched a little

/Tanah: "Petir, give Ochobot a hand"

Petir: (nods)

Tanah: "And I'll tally up the bills"

Petir and Angin: "Okay!"

They all split up to different directions to do their orders- Petir using lightning speed and quickly cleans the tables- Angin use his wind to travel faster as he picks up the cocoa and added onto the tray, moving towards Koko Ci's ship- While Tanah tallying the bills./

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