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Originally post in: Boboiboy Oneshot




I.... was supposed to post this here but unfortunately forgot-- hehehe--

But anyways, let's get to the point

I'm going to be slower with my writing career from now on, and for the hundreds of times, I'm very very very very very and truly sorry that I keep lacking out on all my books. I really do, I've been thinking alot on how to organize my writing ideas and tasks, mainly on my collabs with my two beautiful Queens, Hana and Kuzon/Kaz

We're slowing down and for privacy purposes

Though, I could simply say, all three of us are going different paths in our career. Hana found a job (temporarily) and of course will be as busy as you can imagine. Kuzon is making her way to success soon and will be more focus on her studies.

I too, will be focusing on my own studies, but then, If I'm being honest, we three are stuck in Writer's block and it SUCKS---

+With me being more lazy than usual- blame me for all the lacking---


But wait! Good news as well, we do have drafts of our unfinished and discontinued projects. I have had permission to post them publicly, so I'll start slowly posting the discontinued projects one by one on my {Monsters Au, Crossover Book}!

Disclaimers: The reason we discontinued some of the projects, is because we actually decided to enhance and scrap (make changes) our Aus, well, Kuzon scrapping her Au mostly. She had changed Kingdom Au's lore ALOT and we're still working on it.

(While that, the projects I will be posting are still her old Au lore, mind you.)


Sooooo yeah---

That's all for now

I really have to apologize for everything. I keep saying that I would come back as fast as possible but had never succeed to kept the promises. With the amount of pressure, I know I've let every one of you down, I am openly ashamed for my actions and words.

Again and again, even with not enough apologies, I'm still sorry.


Stay safe, stay healthy and I'll see you all whenever I can, no promises that I'll still be alive to post


Published date: 20th November 2023

Repost date: 28th January 2024

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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