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Hi foo-foo-friends! MolliemcDollies will be explaning y'all the meaning and the point of the poetry/songs in recent chapters of my first double featured shortest story/poetry

Hide and Seek was a song about kids just going out with adults without even thinking of the bad things that could happen to them, it's when an adult will offer them a candy and they will just accept it and come with him in the woods just like what happened to Mollie's friends on the first track.

Campfire is when you are struggling but you can still feel the excitement of reaching the finish line, the phrase "wrapped in rope" was a metaphor to, having too much problems and feeling so wrapped in it, but in the same time, you are still happy and excited about doing the tasks or challenges in life but life isn't just always fighting and fighting, we also need to learn how to take a rest because it is very essential to us people to take a good care to our mental health, go on camping or beaches, stay at home and play with your friends, but also taking a rest should be limited..

Send hearts and knives foofoofriends!

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