Prologue:Thee fields of Eden

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I will be taking a different route for the one I usually prefer yet It was demanded by practically everyone in town and besides,They were right.Every choice I made was to stray from my norm,Even changed the way I breathed and walked and yet,the only thing I had no intention of abandoning was the route I took everyday for my standand walks in the early afternoon.Was it because I was afraid?,Was it because I was stringed up by Puppeteers ?,(All the church folk probably believe that one to be so)Was it because they weren't to my taste? The answer is,To be honest I don't know.I've tried and tried and tried again and again but someone or someone is always just pulling my back.I..I don't to explain it,honestly.But today,Hopefully,I will be able to accomplish my greatest difficulty. I have not guarantees that those whispers wouldn't come back and make my ears hurt or of even getting past the first stone tile but for my sake

I hope it does.

I had made it to the end of the Road leading towards the town.There,I was met by 'The two Doors'.It's famous for the mysterious disappearance of many grand leaders over the centuries.I have always wanted to wonder around and simply get lost in them but Tia explained that 'It iS fAr tOo DaNgErOuS fOr yOuuU'.Like,honestly what ELSE do I have to prove?! She know how much I love to explore the forests,No matter How big.How much I wish to explore the different regions,No matter how unadaptable.How much I need to explore the solar system,No matter how hazardous. I know she's just overprotective and she wants to be a better parent then mine ever were but she need to start being less caution, start introducing danger into her life more.Just don't tell her I said that.

I can say without a doubt,Picking a new route was the hardest,I mean,There were so many options.I was like a musician in a concert,with so many options I could just die.I ended up finally,After 37 minutes,pick the left route.Well,I was.Before a small,tree infested,stone path(I preferred dirt paths,but Something was compeling my to take a step forward,and another one,and another on,and...another one until I was standing just a few inches away for this hypnotic orchard of overgrown trees. I tried to resist,tried telling myself to not go, that if you are being forced to go somewhereyou normal would go,it is always a ×curse×,Not exception.That was until my gurdian angel called out my name,I was beginning to think she disappeared ever step I took,I heard the very voice say.'PLEASE! Please,please,please please don't take any more steps forward!'I had been hearing it none stop for the past month while I was gathering lavenderhim for the Farm's many fields for the church and I had that voice call out to me evertime I even thought about the two Doors and how much I wanted to explore them (which I totally didn't already)I had been memoring they voice since i first heard it while running through the forest on my search for berries to add to my berries and cream,They were important,obviously.Hee,Maybe if I...listened or If she tried harder,I would have disappeared into the malevont forest orchard...

What was on the other side made me think that perhaps this adventureous trip(even for me)wasn't such a failure and from the looks of it,this route was absolutely beautiful!The wheat fields had been infested with flowers and I loved everything about it.Lets just say I definitely had a new favourite route for my early afternoon walk.I should have tried changing routes years ago.There is really nothing to worry about while makes my wonder,

What made me so æfrid?

End of Prologue, proceed?

Yes ? No ?

Words-670 :)

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