Chapter 1:The Preporations Planning and the unexpected intrusion.

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I woke up to the sound of the town centres historic bell tower. Just peachy,I'm not bothered to clean Mrs Hillens Carrage Carts after hurricane session. It's going to be a mess. I got out of bed and began to get dressed in my standand work clothes. 'Ophelia did you get stuck under a rock or do you mean to tell me that you weren't paying attention to the daily announcements ALL WEEK?' I flinched before turning around to find my Tia standing in the hallway of our floor.  Her slender frame had made me think see was a demon(orrr one of the child who didn't quite understand the rules in this town) I hit her with my English-speaking school book:D
'WHAT ON EARTH,OPHELIA MORAL KITE,WERE YOU THINKING,HITTING ME WITH YOU SCHOOL BOOK.HAVE YOU GONE ABSOLUTELY MENTAL!!'She yelled at me for longer but I zoned out though the rest. I was thinking about grilled cheese,mhhhh yummy grilled cheese~~
Thennn,Mr Dublin came to ask what the commotion about until...
'Miss kite, what happened to your forehead?! Jesus, is everything alright?'he said in his panicy voice that sounds almost exactly like a dieing rat having violent voice cracks. hehe~
'Ooh, um I-it was just my niece sh-
'Ugh, the brats giving you trouble AGAIN Miss kite. It's the same reason as last time,right?' *sigh* Here we go again I thought...
'W-what, No! She has nothing to do with that, w-why are you ALWAYS blaming her a-and pointing fingers at her alone?' Tia was already quick to defend me,record timing too!
'Katherine,Please you know Ophelia is a *problematic girl*.he said in a quieter tone at the end to prevent me from hearing him'She isn't like your sister at all,she's reckless,improper and constantly changing ever little detail about her life EVER DAY which is VERY ineffectent,she is a handful and we don't want you to get burned-out from dealing with her-' 'OK,That's enough,Rickly I appreciate you all trying your best to help me but Ophelia,at the end of the day,still is a child,not an adult,not a proper women,a child. I told you all that maybeee,you could,you know, give her some support aswell. I mean let be honest, I'm not the one who lost a mother-'
'Well, she seems perfectly fine-'

The whole floor fell silent,I could hear the elderly cooking club,who were definitely eavesdropping, scurrying to their conjoined floor down the stairs while whispers about me Tia were being passed around the flock. They could say anything about me,I'm used to it,my Tia on the other hand,let's just say I would NEVER tolerate it, not that anymore ever listens to me but I could practice my threatening skills on them so win-win in my opinion
'Right, Mr Dublin,thank you so much for your arrival, but my head hurt sooooo,Goodbye!!<3
She slammed the door in his face,
It was the most satisfying thing in my entire life.
'W-wait! Miss Kite,don't forget, the towns meeting about the preporations
For you know what~' was that his attempt at flirting and if so,he needs to go back to jail.'We know,Mr Dublin!'shouted back my Tia.'Come on,we don't want to be late,my little kindler~

Me and Tia finally arrived at the town council hall.It had been renovated a tad from the last time we were called upon so naturally, we got lost and were late,not by much but the council is strict on punctuality so we got yelled at 'The first ten minutes!'(they made it seem like that was a bad thing)Anyways,I was expecting the start of the council to be the same as always(boring)but it was mostly about the events of the upcoming Twilight Stone night festival,one of the only interesting events in the entire towns HISTORY. Basically,It rain's stars In the evening to restock the stars for the next TWO YEARS(stars here live longer). From the looks of it,I think there dumping their rubbish on us but it's also supposed to fertilize the ground and make star trees grow,making natural light.They can also be crystallised into compasses and they can be compacted with vagne Jammy to make a-'Ophelia,are you paying attention?'my Tia asked,startling me and bringing me back to reality.'I thought you liked the stone night festival,why aren't you-'A mischievous smile plastering onto her face.'Ohhhh~,So what are you thinking about?~' I flushed bright red.'I'm not-,It's not what your-,Please-Stop looking at me like that!' I could tell what she was thinking,I've known her my entire life.Thought her dollish persona and motherly nature,she could tell whatever you were thinking,lieing to her was out of the question which meant it would never work.'Ophelia,how much Time do I have to tell you,there is nothing wrong with being smart?'I looked away'Ophelia'she said more sternly before realising 'You had a chat with Mrs Kently,yes?'I looked away,feel so worthless and wanting to run away for this doomed region but that not lady like,not at all. A girl can't make a scene anywhere,even if she was on the brin of crying and tearing her finest dress.'....Opi,you have to remember,women have so much capability,that old woman was forced into a box her entire life,her views and morals can not and SHOULD NOT effect such a miracle of a girl as yourself. You have dreams?then you must sprit towards them no matter what!'my Tia always had a lasting affect on people,not matter what type of person they were,she always had a lasting imprint on them.'........Thank you, Tia,I don't know what I would have done with you nit here,not raising me.'She hugged me and kissed me forehead,I love hugs,I just don't admit it.'Oh,shh It's time for the role charity!,I bet you're going to get the Berry picking jobs,you do love looking for them after all!' I spoke 'That mean I definitely WOULDN'T get that job''Oh,stop being so pessimist and pay attention' my Tia whispered.
'OK,now we go onto the role charity,This year will be different!,Instead of picking people from this town to do a job ourselves,we brought in a rotating raffle drum?..thing!' I chucked under me breath,the stickers was still on it,just turn it around,it's not that hard you!No one's telling them,HA! A miget boy turned the raffle drum around and around until it quickly,stops. A name gets pulled out,I wonder who it was or more importantly, what there place will be in the twilight stone night festival. I already thought, I already KNOWN that I would be stuck at the bottom,It's obviously rigged,i-it has to be,duh. The council member looked stupefied as my Tia would say.

He looked at me,I looked at him

'M-miss O-ophelia k-kite,w-w-wou-' 'Oh,hush please.'He noticed I was bright red but I didn't care,I lost my honour and grace to be a member of this town YEARS ago. I stood up,looked at my Tia,who was giving me a thumb up and her sincere smile,and began walking towards the lighted,opened up conference booth at the centre of the darkened Church-like Hall and dreaded ever second of standing before the council. I got to the centre fairly quickly,I known this because the thin,midget 16 year old was still digging into the box that would hand me my work of the fortnight away from the Twilight Stone night festival AND when he looked up,saw me wait,he clearly panicked and was looking like crying,biting his lips to stop his waterfall.'hey,look at me' I whispered but he didn't look at me. I looked around and people where whispering,snickering,giving me dirty looks. They must have poisoned him mind again.I felt powerless...
He pulled out a small piece of paper,unfolded it and the words

"Farm scouter"

came out of his mouth. The hall erupted with screams of malcontent,FULL GROWN,SOCIETY APROVED,ADULTS. Spell it out for me,A-d-u-l-t-s. Yet they were acting like 2 year olds! There were children with autism,ear aches,sensitive ears,TODDLERS IN THIS HALL WHO HATE NOISE AND YET,it was acceptable to act like-like THAT! I would get all sorts of disproving looks, lectures about my behaviour and get told off for weeks but,THIS,THIS IS ACCEPTABLE NOW,ISN'T IT!! I ran over to console some of the children,children who were on the brin of tears but all there parents would push my back,tripping me in the process,meanwhile my Tia was actually TRYING to be helpful and ALL THE PARENTS LET HER IN,In to help them....I walked over to the stand and snatched the paper under all the commotion and snuck out.

*deep breath*

I-I was never molded to be a leader,but I was more then ready to become one,I known all the adults would try and sabotage me but I wasn't getting to let them not this time..

One of the thing I never thought I would do was have one of my afternoon walk in my town,I mean don't get me wrong the town is beautiful but,living in it and knowing the horrible truth about it,really gives a new definition to a wolf in sheeps clothing, maybe,or accurately,a pack in flocks clothing. I should do this more often,sneak out of a council meeting,maybe when Tia gets called up to the booth to resive a prive of simply being the best in ever way,shape and form,just to walk around this ghost town,it honestly felt ALOT better after I close my eyes to take in this new vide and then
I feel something on my nose,something wet and quick,it definitely wasn't my Tia,I opened my eyes to see,Snow?Oh no,oh no no no no NO.Not here,not now! I-i should tell,but there bad people,STILL,EVEN BAD PEOPLE DON'T DESERVE BAD THING HAPPENING TO THEM,plus your Tia's NOT a bad person. You should at least tell her.
I heard screams coming from the council hall,looks like they already know. Ugh! Everyone was terrified and maybe I was too...Don't tell anyone I said that!
Suddenly,A man,the 16 years olds father,shouted in his big,deep,masculine voice' We just got the field report.Their saying the ground and unknown weather change show symptoms of...
Seasonal Droughts..
'WE'RE DOOMED,DOOMED WE SAY,NO,WE CAN NOT SURVIVE DROUGHT SEASON,NOT HERE NOR EVERY!'The crowd of towns folk could never survive a drought,nevermind SEASONAL droughts!
While the father worked on quicking and calming down the emotional crowd,I had time to properly zone out
I..No,no I-i can't just give up,right?
I mean we survived in-between FOUR,rageing wars...and we were fine,practically unscaved. We only entire family..well,except for my Tia,and me..*sigh*Tia says that,well,before the wars,we were.....we were a happy family,a pretty big one to hee....
whenever I pictured it,everyone was happy,even I was happy. Even the town wasn't against me living near them. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad....
*deep breath*However,I,will never know but we only get one life and it stops for no one. That's the one piece of advice that I instantly known,was the only piece I,could trust.

I look up at the overhead Grove before also realising that,they'll also be affected by this. Snow symbols the worst outcomes,on ground or overwise. Are we honestly doing "ever region for themselves" That's pathetic! Everyone knows things can get resolved much quicker and easier if we work together. IT WAS LITERALLY PROVEN TIME AND TIME AGAIN. I-i.....
...I have to go and warn them


End of Chapter 1,Proceed?

Yes? No?

Words-2105 :0
No joke, I am in love with this chapter.

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