Chapter 2

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Mikey stood there as he couldn't believe his ears. His dad, Sam Evans, was telling him that Valentine's day wasn't just for girls. "No, daddy. You're wrong. Valentine's day is for girls. My friends said-." Mikey began to say when his dad cut him off.  "Your friends are what, eight years old. What do they know?" Sam said as he gestured his son to sit down. "I am the reason this holiday gets celebrated at all in this house." He admitted to Mikey. The young boy's brown eyes widened in surprise he watched his dad nod. "It's true. A long time ago I was the guy who would fall in love hard if I was given the chance." He said, smiling. "Too bad the girls I thought I loved or I thought liked me, just used me." Sam told his son with a bit of sadness, before it quickly disappeared. "I was your basically goofy, dyslexic, strange, loving comic books, sci-fi, and doing impressions kind of kid. And I grew into a teen with the same ways. And the pretty girls liked how I looked, even though I had issues in my head about my looks. They didn't seem to mind me, physically. It's my personality and how I was inside, they had a problem with. Until your mom." Sam said with a big smile appearing on his lips.

"Mom?" Mikey asked as he sat back in his chair as he watch the smile upon Sam's face grow wider as he began to talk about Mercedes. "Your mom had always been a good friend of mine, but she kept her distance when I was dating Quinn and Santana. Until junior prom. We had so much fun that night. I could be myself and she loved the fact I was being myself. She loved the fact that I was with her. And I fell hard again. Grandma and Grandpa had packed us up and we moved back to Kentucky. I left your mom, not because I wanted to but because my family was homeless for awhile and we needed to get back on our feet." "Really?" Mikey said, amazed at a fact his didn't know. "But I never stopped thinking of your mom. And when Finn and Rachel came to ask can I come back to McKinley, your grandparents gave their blessing and I was on my way back to your mom."

"So, you and mom saw each other and got together. Okay. What does that have to do with Valentine's day?" Sam sighed as he sat back as he folded his hands behind his back. "I got back and word had it that your mom had a new boyfriend. A huge, tall, linebacker who built like a bulldozer. And probably could take me down like one too." Mikey stood up at the new information as he stared straight at his dad.

"Mom was dating another guy?" Mikey repeated the words in shock. Sam nodded before he continued. "I had to prove to her that I didn't care how big or bad her new boyfriend was. I was going to fight for her. I wanted her back . I love her. Then and now. But I know fighting isn't the way to go to earn your mother's love or respect or trust. And between you and me, I would have only resorted to it as a defense. To protect myself or her. But I knew the way to your mom's heart. Music, romance, love, and this holiday. "

Mikey couldn't believe what his dad was telling him. He even sounded so mushy when he talked about it all. He knew that by the end of his dad's talk, he was going to understand his parents a lot better.

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