Lighting Rod

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Lydia's Pov-

I captured Kate and gave her over to Chris. I felt relieved and not a bit of remorse. I couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach on my way home. I don't know I felt different.

I kept thinking about Kate and how heartless she must be. Killing and making everyone's lives hell. Then I thought about Jackson and all the death that surrounds me. Then Stiles pops in my head, him and his big brown eyes, his perfect smile and laugh.

I remembered how it felt to lay in his arms and be entirely happy. I decided to leave this HEARTLESS Lydia behide, I got justice for Jackson so now it will over. Everything will be dare I say it Normal. I'm tired of death and pain and refuse to have it anymore.

I pull onto our road home, to see lights flickering from a distance, it looks like police lights or maybe an ambulance, I'm not sure. I can't tell what house there at until I'm already there and realize it's mine. I see an ambulance and several police cars and people gathering around the house but police asking them to get back.

I rush out of the car and push through the local neighbors who are standing around. I see sheriff and Stiles and rush toward them .

" What's going on !? " I ask and neither reply, they both just look at me with a dreadful expression.

" Lydia Martin I'm sorry to inform you, due to foul play, you're mother Natalie Martin was .. " Sheriff Stilinksi tries to finish but I don't allow.

" No!!! Don't say it, No! " I feel tears streaming down my face, Stiles grabs me as I fall almost fall to my knees.

" Natalie Martin was found dead due to force trauma in her home at 8:39 PM. I'm so sorry Lydia, I'm so sorry." Says Sheriff Stilinski with tears filling in his eyes.

" No! " Stiles is holding so I don't fall, but he pulls me down and I sit in his lap, crying abundantly. About ten minutes later they come out with a body and it has a white cover over it. I stand and run toward her, but Stiles holds me back.

I yell and try to fight but eventually I stop. He holds me and I don't fight back anymore. He walks me to his jeep and puts me in the passenger seat.


" Stiles Take her to the house or her lake house I don't care just don't leave her side. " says Sheriff Stilinski

" I won't. But dad who would have done this? Why ? " I ask and he just glares at me.

" I don't know but she had claw marks on her. But right now she needs you. Lydia doesn't have anyone, she has you. So please take care of her. I will stop by tomorrow morning. Be safe, and Stiles don't let her turn on the news. " he says and gives me a serious look.

The ride to the lake house was so silent it was almost deadly. I don't know what to say, when you loose anyone especially a parent you replay everything in you're head and try and see if there was anything you could have done. You blame yourself until it eats you alive. I know from experience, now Lydia knows to. She is a lightning rod for death, she sees it all the time and can never stop it. I can tell she can't even stop to breath for a quick moment without thinking about the trauma that had just occurred.

With horror we pull in the drive, on there mailbox it reads " Martin " for several moments she ponders it, never removing her eyes from it until I get out and open the door for her and slowly take her inside.

" Lydia, are you hungry or thirsty or anything ? " I knew it was a dumb question and thing to ask of course she needs something she needs answers and mom.

She doesn't speak just a single tear rolls down her face. I know this feeling all to well, the hopelessness, pain and the hardest one anger. I pull her in close and hold her for a long time, because I know she isn't okay and there isn't a reason to ask if she is okay because when you do that it makes it worse. She isn't okay, eventually she will be.

Lydia Martin has had enough, she can't handle anymore loss. If there is one thing I can do, that is to save her from herself, from the life in which she has, in which she cannot control.

About thirty minutes later, I figured she had Enough time to think. I gave her some Advil PM and crawled with her into bed, she snuggled into my arm as I Heard her say

" Stiles I can't do this anymore. "
" I know... I know " I whispered as I held her hand .

_ _ _

Hi babies . I extra promise the trauma and deaths will slow down for a while in the story. Bare with me for the next chapter will be amazing.

Anyway can we talk about theo from Monday's episode ?

Is it bad I ship marrish ? 😂😂 also I kind like theo & Malia 😂😳😳😳

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