Chapter 16: Rivalry

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Aiko's POV

It's been 12 years since the accident. Dikkota left the house and he's now in college, Kiyoshi is is med school studying to become a doctor, Fumihiro got scouted out for track and field, Ayden, Valentina, Ash, Ruby, Kai, Ember, Cole and Amira are all running a business with their own different skills. Akira and Jay are both models with the occasional Izabelle too. Nagisa? Well Nagisa is Nagisa, always sleeping but some how has good grades.

So the only people in the house is Izabelle, Jay, Akira, Nagisa and me, the rest of them went to college. They keep in contact though, calling home whenever they can. It puts a smile on my face everytime. Well high school is on my mind now, I wonder what it would be like. I hope it isn't the clique movies that I watched where there is a hot jock and a bratty girl likes him, I end up liking him too then she wants to fight me for him. Luckily for me I already have a jock in my life, his name is Alexis and he's very amazing.

My face started to heat up as my ears and tail move in excitement. I smile, get up from my bed and walk over to the closet. I want something simple today so I chose and orange sweater with a white skirt. I turn my masculine body into a feminine one to give me more dimensions. It honestly wouldn't change since even if I use my masculine body I still look feminine, I just want to look more feminine. I also grab a pair of black stockings to match my outfit. White high top shoes also go great with this outfit.

I walk over to my bathroom so I can freshin' up myself. Take a shower, do my long hair, situate myself for the day before I go to school. I took 30 minutes in the shower, it isn't my fault the water is just so warm! I took another 20 minutes so I could look my best, curled my eyelashes, fixed my eyebrows, the usual things. I have naturally long eyelashes so I don't need to wear mascara. Genetics has blessed me in every area, hips, thighs, waist, the literal definition of an hourglass but I'm still humble.

I put on my clothes and walk out of the bathroom, I make sure to grab my bag along with my side bag. The side bag has all my necessities in it, I can't leave without it. I walk out of my room into the hallway, the empty hallway that used to be filled with Fumihiro's war cries in the morning. I always scolded him for it but it was one of the reasons why I would wake up in the morning. It was funny and annoying but I love funny and annoying. That's how I'm able to deal with Alexis, so it just grew on me.

A sad smile plastered on my face before I walked over to the elevator and pushed the down button. I wait a few seconds for the door to open and it did. I walked inside and pressed the button all the way down to the ground floor. The doors closed behind me and it takes me down to the second floor. The door opens up to reveal Izabelle and Nagisa, "Morning Aiko!" Izabelle beamed walking in with Nagisa. "Morning.." Nagisa said sluggishly causing me to giggle. "Morning!" I replied.

The doors closed behind us and we go down again to the first floor where Akira and Jay are. The door opens and the two walk in, "Morning," they both said. "Morning!" We replied back as the doors closed. The elevator then took us down to the ground floor. The doors open and we all walk out, "Where is mommies and daddies?" Izabelle asked looking around. "They're asleep Izzy, Aiko is driving us to school," Akira replied chewing her bubble gum. "Okay!" She replied with a smile while walking over to the kitchen.

Yeah mommies and daddies are tired so I decided to tell them to sleep today since I have my license. They insisted on taking us but they looked so tired, I had to let them sleep a little longer. We all walked over to the kitchen, Jay made breakfast while we all sat down at the table. "You guys have everything?" I asked making sure. "Oh my god, for the fourth time Aiko, yes," Akira replied with a scoff at the end. I sigh, "Just making sure," I replied.

Izabelle giggled while Nagisa has his head down, my best bet is that he's sleeping. We all talked for a few more minutes before Jay served our breakfast. Jay likes to cook a lot so he makes food in his free time. "Practising for Andy and Claire?" Akira asked with a smug tone. "Fuck off, go suck off Zach" he scoffed while eating his food. Akira's face turned red as she looked over at Jay and yelled. Andy and Claire are Jay's mates or his lovers. Andy is a hybrid tamer while Claire is a rabbit hybrid. Honestly it fits her, she's so small and cute like a bunny, she's also very beautiful.

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