chapter 12 The darkness part 2

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As Lily crawled through the vents she turned on the walkie-talkie.
"This is Lily do you copy" she said into it.
"We hear you" a voice said from the other side.
"Max tell your dad to turn on the cameras and heat tracking system I need directions" she said.
"We can all hear you" Dr Taylor said through the Walkie-talkie.
"Bring up the heat map and cameras in needed to be guided to the prize room" Lily said.
"How" Dr Taylor said.
"Let me" Rex said.
"It's all up" Zoe said.
"Okay Lily do you see a two way path" Dr Taylor asked.
"Yes" Lily said as she looked down one of the vents.
"Okay go down the left one" Dr Taylor said.
"Dad look" Max shouted pointing at the heat map as a red dot appeared in Lily's path.
"Lily move there something Infront of you" Zoe shouted.
"Guy's this isn't from the Troodons" she said.
"The vent is covered in ice" she said.
"What" Rex said.
"Did you say ice" Max asked.
"Yes" Lily said as she noticed a cat like animal go around a corner.
"I think I just saw a new cat" she said.
"A cat" Zoe asked.
"Yep" Lily said.
"It looked like it had fangs" she added on.
"Sounds like a saber tooth tiger" Dr Taylor said.
"I'm following it" Lily said.
"What no it's to dangerous" Zoe said.
"She's right it's to dangerous" Rex said.
"I'm going to turn of the walkie-talkie so I don't scare it" she said turing of the walkie-talkie.
"Don't it's to dangerous" Dr Taylor said.
"She just turned it of" Rex said.
"She's in so much trouble when she returns" Zoe said.
"That if she does" Max said pointing towards the red dots that were closing on her.

"Where did you go" Lily saidid as she looked for the saber tooth tiger.
As she crawled through the vents the sound of claws came from behind Lily.
As Lily turned around to see what was making the noice she saw red eyes coming from the darkness.
"This is bad" she said as she started to back up not noticing the open vent below her.

"Ow" she said as she hit the ground after falling out the vent.
"What do we have hear" a voice said behind her.
"Oh it's you" Lily said as she turned around to see the alpha gang.
"Where do you think your going, Tank let's go" Zander said.
"Earthquake" he said making the ground below Lily open making her jump to the side.
"You missed" Ursula said in anger.
"Sorry" Zander said in fear
"Guy's you might want to look" Ed said pointing towards Lily.
"Ed what, oh" Ursula said relishing what going on.
"Swarm" Lily said making the swarm of Dimorphodon swarm swarm tank.
"Flood" she said as a the mosasaur was summoned making Tank turn to a card.
"I'll make you pay" Ursula said in anger.
"Spiny, Terry destroy her" she said summoning the spinosaurus and T Rex.
As spiny and Terry closed in Lily braced for impact.

"Blizzard" A voice shouted.
"What" Ed said in surprise as Spiny got stuck in wind tunnel of ice and freezing wind.
"Get behind me beast queen" the saber tooth tiger said to Lily to that she just nodded.
"It's not nice to attack a unarmed person old lady" a shadowey figure said beside Lily.
"Old lady" Ursala said in anger.
"Terry volcano Burst" Zander said.
"Diego move now" the figure said making the saber tooth tiger jump out the way.
"Oh no you don't spiny shock wave" Ed said.
As Diego jump out the way of Terry's attack he was hit by a watery tendril.
"Diego ice fang" the shadowey figure said.
As the move card activated Diego's fangs glowed a bright blue and becoming ice.
"Now aim for the t Rex" the figure said.
As Diego bit down on Terry resulting in Terry becoming a card.
"Ursula spiny low on energy" Ed said.
"This is not the last you seen of us" they said as they ran.
"Thank you" Lily said.
"Glad we could help" the figure said.
"You might want these" they said throwing two crystal balls to Lily.
"How did you know" Lily asked.
"You find out soon now get up and get ready to fight. The figure said.
"Diego you can rest, Manny time freeze the companion" the figure said summoning a mammoth as a thick mist set in.

"Lend me your strength" Lily said as she summoned the 2 crystalized guards.
As the blue light died down a spinosaurus raptor hybrid and Ankylosaurus diplodocus hybrid was summoned.
"Rocky the ankylodocus please to meet you my queen"
The ankylodocus said
"Crystal the spinoraptor by your side my qreen" the spinoraptor said.
"Lend me your strength to help in this battle" Lily asked the two dinosaurs as the fog got thicker.
"Yes beast queen" the two hybrids said.
As the fog got thicker Lily and the mysterious figure grabbed there move cards as the Troodons stated to circles them.
"Rocky elemental shield" Lily said making a shield radiate from Rocky's back.
"I can only hold it for so long" the long necked dinosaur said.
"Okay, mysterious person do you have any ideas on what to do" Lily asked as the Troodons  rushed out of the fog attacking the shield.
"One step ahead of you" the figure said.
"Manny ice wall" they said.
As they did a white glow was seen around the Troodons, as the glow died down ice walls were seen trapping the Troodons in small area between the shield outer wall.
"Now beast queen" the figure said as the Troodons stated to attack the ice walls cracking them.
"Crystal shock wave" she said.
As the card was ran over the dino holder Crystal let out screech as she did a wave of color was released hitting the Troodons.
"Rocky finish them" Lily said.
"You two Manny" the figure said.
As the shield was released Manny and Rocky rushed the recoving Troodons turing them to cards.
"We did it" Lily said grabbing the Troodons card.
"Thank you for your help" Lily said.
"Please call me Amber" the figure said.
"Lily" a shout was heard from the hallway.
"Zoe down here" Lily shouted to her sister.
"Your okay" Zoe said hugging her.
"Lily" Max and Rex said as they reached the room.
"We thought you were hurt" Rex said.
"Why" Lily asked.
"When you went silent and cut out" Max said.
"No I'm fine" Lily said.
"Beast queen" Spike and Indi said.
"Hello you two" Lily said hugging them.
"Lily your okay" Venom said jumping into her.
"Don't scare us like that again" Paris said as her, Chomp and Ace cuddled up to her.
"I'm okay" Lily said comforting them.
"We were worried" Chomp and Ace said.
"I'm sorry for scaring you" Lily said standing up.
"Crystal, Rocky it's good to see you" Indi and Spike said.
"You two" Crystal said.
"Only one to go" Indi said.
"We are so close" Spike said.
"We find the last one" Lily said.
"Sorry to stop to introduce" Rex said."
"But who was that you disappeared" he asked.
"Yay who was it" Zoe asked.
"Amber they control the ice element" Lily said.
"What" Zoe said surprised.
"A ice element" Rex asked.
"Yep" Lily said.
"Guys you might want to look at this" Max said being over a piece of card.
"What is it" Zoe asked.
"It says for Lily" Max said.
"Okay" Lily said taking the card.
"You must be confused on who I am if you want to know more come to this location and bring your friends" Lily read out.
"Wants this" Rex asked picking up a card.
"It's a move card for Venom" Zoe said.
"Are we meeting them" Max asked.
"It's too dangerous" Zoe said.
"I think we should meet them" Lily said.
"What no" Zoe said.
"It could be a trap" she said.
"But they did save her" Rex said.
"I guess but it could be part of there plan' but if you're think we should okay" Zoe said.
"Okay we go together tomorrow" Lily said.
"Kids I got the exit open" Dr Taylor shouted as he entered the room.
"Okay let's go back to the lab and work out a plan" Rex suggested.
"Okay" Lily said.
"Come on" Max said running out.
"Max slow down" Zoe said.
"Let's catch up" Lily suggested to Rex.

Sorry for the lack of updates I just didn't have any ideas or could have the energy to update.
I would like ideas for hybrids

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