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Hello!!! This is my first fanfic written! I am so excited to write this for you all!!

-This book will not be one-shots! It's a full-pledged story on its own.

-some parts are a bit unrealistic idk maybe because it's from a DISNEY MOVIE??

-reader is mute  (may change later on)

-there will be sign language! sign language will be presented like "this; in italics and quotation marks"

-reader starts as 15 and a half years old and Camilo is 16

-reader is female. pronouns used will be: she/her

-slow updates! i have school and a life :) please respect that!!

-i don't know Spanish so google translate! please let me know if it is off at all!

-i also don't know much about the Columbian culture, so please let me know (message or comments) if i mess something up!

-social media and phones exist, but aren't used often

-story will be in first person unless stated otherwise 

-warnings will be at the beginning of every chapter!

-since this is my first time writing a fanfic, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, though, any hate will be deleted and you will be blocked :)


Y/N: your first name

Y/L/N: your last name 

N/N: your nickname

F/C: your favorite color

E/C: your eye color

H/C: your hair color

i will add more if needed!!!

Camilo Madrigal x Mute!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now