In the Library (Don't try these at school)

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1. Get a book of the shelf and chuck it at someone.

2. When everyone one is quiet and is reading, stand up and scream at your book "You betray him! How dare you!"

3. (Organise this before the day) Get someone to ring you and turn your volume up really loudly (so when it rings it will be really loud.) Answer it and say "So how was it last night? Did you make out?"

4. Roll on the floor out of your seat and stand up to then do a somersault, scream "Oh! So that's how they did it in the book!"

5. Pull out all the books from a shelf and scream "Yes! I didn't like that shelf!"

6. (Before this you will have to choose a book that has a sexual scene in it) Walk up to your teacher and ask "What's happening in this section? Are they doing what I think there doing? If so can I read it out to the class?" And start reading it to the class.

7. (This may actually expel someone) Grab a book and tear a page out of it saying "This is my favourite page of the book."

8. Jump up on a chair and start singing Anaconda really loudly.

9. Get a piece of paper and write a note saying:

Dear Mrs (teacher's name)

How was your date the other night? Oh right! Never mind! I meant to ask how was your break up?

Signed (your name)

10. Walk up to the teacher (If it is a male) and say "Do you wanna go out? Wait a second. Are you already married? Hmmm......"

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