Part Two

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As the days went on you noticed more and more how Dean had feelings for you. Maybe they would be undetectable if you didn't already know how he felt about you, you thought to yourself as you read the same passage in a book over and over. Every time you read it your mind was elsewhere and by elsewhere you meant Dean. Half your mind was trying to convince you that you had liked Dean all along, and the other was trying to convince you that you were sad and looking for someone to fill the hole in your heart. Whenever you had a moral dilemma you always went to Sam, you've been considering coming clean to him because he'd be the best person to help. The more you thought about it the more memories you had and the more it ate at you. You could tell Sam you woke in the middle of their conversation and it was too late to say something without making it awkward. You started running through all the things you could say, because you desperately needed Sam's advice.

*Third person point of view*
"Come on Sammy it's been like three days I think it's okay." "Dean it's been three days give her a break come on." "Sam I could be dead in three days for all we know. She could be dead in three days." Dean said trying to convince Sam it was okay to start flirting with you. "Dean you don't even sound rational right now. Ever think maybe she doesn't like you like that and it would be extremely awkward?" "I could play it off as a joke." He said smugly back. Sam rolled his eyes, "You've been waiting years, now you can't even wait a few days?" Before Dean could reply his phone started to ring, he pulled it out of his pocket answering it and walked away.
*Third person point of view over*

You decided to just come clean to Sam and trust he wouldn't tell Dean. You were fortunate enough to find Sam alone sitting at the table where you guys normally sat together at. "Hey Sam can we talk for a second?" you ask taking a seat across from him. His face seemed to fill with worry, "Yeah. Are you okay?" he questions nervously. "Yeah yeah I'm fine I just really need advice and your the only one who can help me." You continued. "Well?" he asked and you started to reply, "Well-" but you immediately stopped when Dean walked in. He smiled at you two and happily said, "Salt and burn about an hours drive. You guys up for it?" You and Sam both agreed to it, "Hey Dean why don't you pack up the car and we'll meet you there in a second." Sam suggests so you can quickly tell him the problem. "Already did. Come on let's go!" Dean said walking off and you and Sam both quickly stood up and followed.

Dean explained the case in the car ride there, but you were hardly listening. You were starting to wish you never found out Dean had feelings for you and you still thought he was just overprotective. Him being overprotective and sweet to you increased greatly when your uncle Bobby had passed. You were starting to wonder if he knew all along about Dean having feelings for you. He didn't like the idea of you dating someone who wasn't a hunter, and he wasn't fond of you telling your boyfriend about hunting. You remember every detail from the day Bobby died, they were burned into the back if your mind. "We almost there?" you ask getting impatient. "just about there." Dean confirmed.

The sun was just starting to set by the time you were positive about whose bones of burn. "Should we wait until it's dark before we start digging?" you ask as the car pulls up to the grave yard. "I think we're fine no one really comes here anyway." Dean said confidently and stepped out of the car at the same time as you and Sam. It took you a few minutes to find her grave and even longer to dig her up. As soon as Dean got close to the coffin you realized you weren't alone. You tried to discreetly grab the gun filled with rock salt but the ghost saw you and flung you across the graveyard. You heard Dean yell and the sound of a gun being fired. You landed flat on your back, but your head was the first thing to hit the ground. You squeezed your eyes shut and when you opened them everything was blurry. Fantastic I probably have a concussion you thought to yourself. You heard another gunshot go off and moments later you heard the ghost scream as its corpse went up in flames. Sam and Dean rushed over to you and Dean dropped to his knees next to you. "Hey hey (y/n) you okay?" "Concussion. I think" you manage to spit out. Dean tossed the car keys to Sam, "C'mon we have to get her to a hospital." Dean said urgently scooping you into his arms and standing up. "Dean we've dealt with worse. Let's just go home." You whisper, shutting your eyes again.

Dean still demanded that he carry you to the car, and that he sat in the back with you. You felt like crap and didn't have the energy to protest. "(Y/n) I'm going to need you to stay awake. Okay? Can you do that?" Dean pleads. You were in the middle of the back seat and Dean was next to you with his arm around you and you were resting your head against his shoulder. You were praying he realized it was because of you felt physically and that you weren't giving him the wrong idea. You nodded "Mmhm Dean I've had concussions before nothing we can't deal with." You said almost annoyed that he was babying you. Yet again, when wasn't he overprotective and worried every time you got hurt? Even when you had a small gash on your thigh, he would clean that before he would have you or Sam stitch up a possible serious cut on himself. Dean was talking to you the whole car ride to keep you awake, occasionally he'd ask Sam to drive faster, or asked him how close they were.

You finally got to the bunker and everything felt sore. Dean carried you into the bunker and softly placed you on your bed. You groaned in pain as he moved you and he was apologizing a thousand sorrys a minute. "I'm getting Cas down here." He claimed and you tried to stop him. "Dean I swear if you call him, make him waste his fading grace on a stupid concussion, I will kick your ass soon as I'm better." He smiled at you but you could tell it was a fake one to make you feel better, "Fine, we'll be in every hour or so to wake you up. Holler if you need anything." He says softly and walks out. You knew it would be near to impossible to get Sam alone now.

Dean Winchester ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now