Chapter 5×

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"Princess, Y/N is back!"

"Miss Y/N?"

"Lady Y/N!"

"Hahaha. Hey, guys." You smiled as almost half of the kingdom came to greet you at your arrival.

"Lady Y/N! I'm so glad you're safe." Elith made her way to the front of the crowd with a small smile.

You smiled down at the girl. "Thanks, Elith." You turned your head back to the crowd. "I would like to say a few things and perhaps have your opinions on it."

The chattering was lowered down as the crowd focused their attention onto the you.

"How would you all feel if we moved out of this kingdom and into a village instead?"

"Um, princess. Why are you suggesting this?" Someone from the crowd spoke. You couldn't help, but cast your eyes downward at the question.

"I'm a terrible princess, there's no doubt about that," Everyone gasped, "I allowed my people to starve for more than five days, and I couldn't do anything about that."

"No, princess. It isn't your fault."

"Yeah! It's that stupid storm's fault!"

"Yeah. You guys are right and all, but I could've at least been prepared for it." You looked back at everyone, witnessing the sadness that dwelt deep in their eyes.

"No one could've been prepared for that, lady." Zeldin spoke up. "Even so, you still tried your best for the people."

"He's right, lady Y/N. You focused all your attention on everyone else, then yourself. You even gotten sick cause you haven't eaten for two days, because you wanted everyone to eat!" Elith added her own comments.

"Hm," You hummed.

You didn't know what to say after the words that fell out of your people's mouth.

"I'm only suggesting this because it'll be easier for us to have access to more things. Half of the kingdom isn't even finished built yet. We still don't have that many food because there's nearly any in the forest where we're at, and..."

Everyone anticipated on what you're going to say next.

"I want to experience something new."

Everyone silenced themselves after what you had said. You waited for anything to be said. Anything. Perhaps a gasp, maybe even a cough, but it was just dead silent.

"I know it's selfish of me, but-"

"You're always doing everything for us, Miss Y/N."

"I agree. If you want to try something new, who are we to stop you? You are the princess after all."

"You don't always have to have our opinions on everything, Lady." Zeldin added.

"I agree." Elity smiled.

"Same here!" The recognizable voice of the kid elves can be heard in the back, making you smile at their unnecessary cuteness.

"Ok, then. He and his subordinates will be visiting me in just a few days. Until then, why don't we eat up?"


"Lord Rimuru." Benimaru entered his master's house, a grim look on his face.

"Yes, Benimaru?" Rimuru was now in his slime form, facing the red head as he made his way closer to his boss.

"That girl. She didn't do anything, did she?"

"If she did, I'm pretty sure you would've known."

"Yeah," Shion, who was just next to Rimuru, smirked, "I would've definitely known if someone hurted my master."

"You see? No need to worry." The slime assured the red head. "Oh! Also. I'll be visiting her kingdom. Shion, I'll need you and Shuna to accompany me." Shion eyes widen with excitement at her master's request. She picked him up and hugged him tightly against his chest.

"I'm so excited! Thank you, Master!"

Rimuru could only smile. "Yeah, yeah." He turned his body to face Benimaru. "Anyways, since I'll be leaving tomorrow, will you be able to watch over the village until I'm back?"

Benimaru nodded his head, "Yes, lord Rimuru."

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