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Just saying major spoilers for the dangerous gift. 

Peril hated flying in the rain. The wet drops landed on her fire scales making them feel like they were burned out. But she didn't care. She was seeing Clay, with some big news. 

Peril landed outside the door of Jade Mountain Academy. Pushing the door open, she heard snoring. Peril wasn't surprised. It was in the middle of the night. When she reached Clay's room she opened the door and caught him having a midnight snack. "Clay," she called. Clay turned around. "Peril," he whispered frantically. "Come and help me finish this chicken." Peril tip-toed to him, her talons behind her back holding the object. "Clay, I have something to show you," she whispered and brung the egg from behind her back.

Clay screamed louder and any of the dragons in Queen Scarlet's arena. Immediately Peril heard talon steps. "Clay, shhhhhhhh," she whispered quietly, trying to block his mouth with her talons. Tsunami burst into the room. "Whoever just woke me up from the best dream ever is going to pay," she yelled. Then she saw the egg. Let's just say she ran out of the room screaming. Sunny walked in with sleepy eyes. Then she saw the egg. She fainted, slumping against the wall.  Starflight stumbled in. "What?!, what's happening, why is everyone yelling?"
"Shut up," yelled Sunny's dad through their minds. "I'm tyna sleep and I can't because all a you's a screaming."
"IT'S NOT MY EGG!!!!!, OKAY!!!!!!" screamed Peril. 

"It's someone else's, I found it next to Ex - Queen Scarlet's arena. It was cold, and looked like it was left there for days. So I took it." 

6 months later....

Peril was playing with Flare when Clay came into the play cave crying. "Flare has to go," he sobbed. "What, when," cried Peril. "His parents are here." 

Peril walked outside carrying Flare. Two Skywings were standing outside. One was sort of odd. His scales were dull rusty colour and he had blue eyes. The other was pure Skywing. "Is that the Skywing that was still in an egg when it was stolen?" the odd one asked. "I put by one of the prisons in Queen Scarlet's old arena." 
"That's where I found him," said Peril. 
"Ahhh," sighed the dragon. "Well, I believe that's my dragonet," He reached over to take Flare. Peril held him tight. "Are you sure he'll go to a good home," she whispered. "Oh, don't worry," he'll have lots of scavengers' to play with." He bobbed Flare on the nose. He giggled. "There's old, Wren, did you know she speaks dragon." Peril didn't loosen her grip on Flare. "Who are you anyway," she said accusingly. "Oh sorry," said the dragon. "I was so excited about getting my dragonet back that I forgot introductions. My name is Sky and this is Falcon," he pointed to the Skywing next to him." We're Flare's parents." Peril still did not let go of Flare. "Clay leaned in and whispered into her ear. "You know, we can just make our own," he whispered. Peril literally snapped to attention. "Okay," she said handing the two dragons Flare. "C'mon Clay," holding his talons and leading him inside.  

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