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*RING*. Class had just ended, I felt so tired that I could fall asleep right now. It felt as if yesterday had gone by in a flash. Just thinking about what we did got me smiling to myself like an idiot. "Kise-kun! Are you alright? Why do you keep smiling to yourself like that? Don't tell me that you have become retarded." My lover said to me as he smacked my back. "Would you please stop hitting me Kurokochi! For such a little guy, you sure do have a lot of strength!" I laughed as I pat his head. Kuroko shot me a death glare as we made our way out of class. He always hated me calling him a 'little guy', but I couldn't help myself. I loved seeing his expression when he's pissed off. It was much better than the cold, expressionless Kuroko.

"AH! Ryouta-kun! I finally found you!" a girl, probably a year below me, whom was panting and covered in sweat exclaimed to me by the hallway. "Umm can I talk to you in private for awhile?" she said as she grabbed my arm, dragging me to a nearby staircase. "Hey wait. Can't you see that I was with-" I glanced over to look at Kurokochi but he was nowhere in sight. "Ugh never mind. What did you wanted to tell me?" I asked, curious to what was so important that made her had to go out of her way to find me. "I KNOW THIS IS SUDDEN BUT PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!" The girl exclaimed, as she turned red. Her voice was so freaking loud which startled me, making me jump. "You see, I have been watching you since last year and I found you very attractive, and you also have a very kind personality, so since you're not seeing anyone right now, I thought that I'd came to tell you what I am feeling" she explained as she tucked her hair behind her ears, breathing a sigh of relieved as if a heavy weight had been lifted off her chest.

"I'm sorry." I said, turning away. "Honestly, you seem to be a very nice girl, and also a pretty one, but I am currently seeing someone right now, and that person is very important to me so I hope that you understand. I know that you can find someone better, so please give up on me." I have never been the kind who is good at rejecting people, especially when seeing the face of those whom you have turned down. It makes you feel kind of bad knowing that they like you so much, yet you are unable to return their feelings.

Kurokochi was waiting for me at the schools' front gate. His face was unusually cold, and that's when I knew something wasn't right. "Kurokochi, are you not feeling well?" I asked, concerned as we made our way to a nearby fast food joint to grab some lunch. "I'm fine." He responded with harshness in his tone. I reached my hand out to his forehead to check if he was running a fever, but he smacked it away. "I said I am fine." He repeated again, raising his voice. Was he having a bad day? But he was fine just now. Maybe it was about me calling him a 'little guy', but he never once got angry whenever I used to call him that. I glanced over to look at Kurokochi. His face was blank and his eyes were empty, giving nothing away. We continued walking the rest of the route in silence. I couldn't find a reason as to him acting like this, and the more I look at him, the more it pained me to see how lifeless he was.

"Kise-kun." Kurokochi stopped in his tracks. I was relieved that he finally spoke. The silence was so awkward that I could not take it much longer. "Lets... end it okay...?" He muttered, while looking down. "W-what...?" I managed to stammer. "I said lets end it." He said, walking away. My mind went blank as soon as I heard those words. I felt as if my heart had been shot to pieces. I was confused and had no clue what was going on. I grabbed his arm and dragged him to an alley right before us and pushed him against the wall. "Why...? What did I do wrong?! If it was something I did that made you upset please tell me!" I shouted as anger filled me. How could he just say something like that so casually without even blinking an eye? Kurokochi looked up at me, and then turned away. "When I saw you with that girl just now, I've been thinking how good you look together with her, and I mean, I am a guy. How could you possibly like me so much? Two guys together, isn't it weird?!" Kuroko chuckled as a drop of tear welled up from the corner of his eye. "I DON'T WANT TO DRAG KISE-KUN DOWN ANYMORE!!" his eyes changed from white to a painful red as the despair and pain erupts from him like a volcano. It was too agonizing for me to watch anymore as I grabbed his shoulders. "Kurokochi... You know that I only love you, and that will never change. It might be weird to other people but who cares what they think about us?! As long as I have you by my side, I am contented. I never felt so happy being together with someone before, but with you, it's different. You changed me into the person I am today, so don't you dare say that you are dragging me down." I hugged him tightly. "I love you kurokochi. I love you so much" I could feel my uniform getting soaked as he continued sobbing uncontrollably, grabbing tight on my uniform. "I'm s-o-rry ki-se-kun" he stuttered while choking on his tears. "Shh. It's alright. I'm sorry I did not notice what was troubling you as well." I said, while patting his back.

A few days had passed since the event took place and everything was back to normal. Kurokochi also began to smile more often around me. "Kise-kun. Guess who?" I felt warm, small hands wrapped around my eyes as a voice whispered in my ear. "My cute loving boyfriend?" I teased as I turned behind to kiss Kurokochi. He sat down beside me and laid his head against my shoulder. "Kise-kun, promise not to leave me okay?" I rest my head on his and closed my eyes. "I promise."

"From the day I fell in love with him, I swore to always treasure him for as long as I live, and that will never change."


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