The Plan (Not Edited)

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Caitlin's POV

Allegra just told me that she is also trying to Frost out of this situation. It is just good to know I have ally on my side. Both Allegra and Frost have no idea that I know they have something going on. I don't know if they are together, they are just flirting, or if they have to idea the other likes them but I'm not blind I can see their faces when they look at one another. I lead Allegra to the storage closet that I transformed into my planning room to try and get Frost out. I open the door and behind me I hear "wow this is a lot." "I know" I say as I pick up a file, "I have been collecting things that could help me if this day ever came sense Frost and I really be friends."

Allegra's POV

"That's a really long time Caitlin!." I know her and Frost have always been really close I mean they shared a body how could you not get close after being together everyday for years but this. A lot of these ideas break the law and that is something that I never in a million years thought that Caitlin Snow would do not even if her life depended on it. I guess when it comes down to her friends and family their is no telling what she could do and that kind of scares me, but right now all of this research is going to come in handy. "Most of this stuff is new but even back then I could not lose her, so I did some mild investigations nothing really turned up till now though." I look back at Caitlin. Wait does she really have something we can use. "So we know that they want to give Frost the meta-human cure so we let them." My eyes go wide at that she wants them to give Frost the cure? "What! We can't do that to her." "Let me finish." Okay so there is more to the plan than Frost just losing her powers that's good. "We break into CCPD and make the cure inert. That way so when they use it on her it will do nothing and they are going to have to rethink their plan of action. By then we will hopeful have something that can really get Frost safe and out of this situation. We would need Cisco's help of course with the breaking in part but it could really work. She's right it could work and it is a really good plan. We can do this we can get Frost safe. "Let's do it. Let's break into CCPD and stop this once and for all!" We look at each other and smile. We have a chance to do this and by Caitlin's face she thinks we have a chance too.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2022 ⏰

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