15. Trials and stunts

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Here I am crying myself to sleep. I hate to behave like this and hurt the boys, but it has to be done, they have to understand that they can't take me for granted, and treat me as they like for some money loving bitch. There was a knock on the door and I quickly closed my eyes.

"C, please open the door." the boys requested, as much as I'd love to do it, I don't have any power to get up, feels like my body is stone.

"C, are you alright in there?" Ni asked, I wanted to reply to him so bad but just couldn't, I was not even able to open my mouth and eyes, but my eyes were still crying. After sometime the door opened and I heard numerous footsteps.

"We're really sorry C, we really mean it and we miss you. And we're sorry about the other day, we saw how eleanor tripped you." the boys whispered except sun. I guess he still believes her over me. The thought alone made me cry more.

"I'm sorry I was so harsh on you, I should've caught you the other day instead of starting a yelling match. We're so sorry that we didn't come to visit you in the hospital and when we did I was so bad and said mean things. Please don't cry." Sun whispered wiping my tears but it only resulted in more tears. I tried to, but still couldn't stop my tears. 

"Please stop crying C, it hurts to to see you cry." Z muttered. "We promise to make it up to you." He whispered and somebody kissed my cheek. I guess it was him. Somebody put the blanket on me and the boys chance by chance kissed my cheek except sun, his cologne was distinct and recognizable. He kissed me on my forehead and a few centimeters below my ear. Boys dimmed the light and I heard the door being open and shut.


"Please I'm really sorry, don't leave me, please don't take them away from eleanor, please." I got down on my knees and started begging boys and eleanor.

"Haha they will leave you if I say and so am I saying, they'll never see you again. Right boys?" Eleanor evilly laughed and the boys nodded.

"You're a disgrace on the world." Ni mumbled

"Who will even talk to you." sun looked at me with a disgusted face.

"Always problematic." Z chastised.

"Just look at you always trying to get sympathy." Li and Haz laughed. 

"Louis, Niall, please don't leave, Zayn, Harry, Liam atleast you all listen to me. Please I'll do as you say eleanor, just please make them stop. Boys! please don't leave, Please." I cried and the boys started moving further away.

"BOYS!" I gasped as they almost disappeared.

"Boys!" suddenly I woke up all sweaty with the boys bursting into the room. As soon as I saw them I started crying, they hugged me. 

"Please don't leave me, I promise I'll do as you say, please." I cried as they all hugged me.

"We'll never leave you C, don't worry." Li whispered.

"We promise we'll be here with you always." haz promised as he wiped my tears and they all sat in a semi circle infront of me.

"I'm sorry, I'm really bad, I know, but please don't leave me." I bawled my eyes out.

"C how many time do we have tell you, we'll never leave you even if you don't like us." Z chuckled and I shook my head.

"I love you so much, don't say that." I cried and jumped on them all.

"Woah easy there little tiger." Ni laughed.

"I love you all so so much." I kissed Ni on cheek as he was the nearest.

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