Chapter 13

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!!Spicy Chapter!!

Zenith's home was more of a treehouse than an estate like any of the other homes I've been to. Nonetheless, it was still a very big home.

The orange tree trunk held the majority of the house while a few rooms seemed to be up in its deep purple leaves. Vines grew along the base, which reminded me of the castle. The exterior of the house was made of a deep red type of wood and stones were scattered throughout the building. It was pretty and unique.

A few large Sephrimes picked us up as we made our way to the house. The dreaded climb up came and went and soon we were in our new playroom. The smell and scenery were a little unnerving but nothing I couldn't get used to.

Hammocks hung around the room randomly along with platforms all over the walls. A few perches hung from the ceiling and a small pond/bath filled with pink water took up a large corner of the room. Weirdly enough though, there was a large scratching post along with one of the walls. Instead of a bed like at the castle, there was a couch and a large nest with many pillows that sat in the middle of the room.

To the left of the nest was a shelf filled with paper and writing sticks. A hand patted my head, "Seems you found your present," I looked up at Saros, "Go take a look there's more over there."

Walking to the shelf, I noticed a small opening in the wall, big enough for someone to fit in. Crawling through, the room was only big for two people and covered in pillows. Small dotted lights hung throughout the ceiling, which made the light purple walls shine with blue tones.

In the corner, though something was folded up. Picking up the white material noticed it was more clothing, dresses of different types of fabric ranging from sheer to thicker ones. There had to be about fifteen here.

Crawling back out I ran over to Saros where he sat on the floor and tackled him into a hug. "Your welcome Ceilo, I figured you would enjoy the gifts."

After the brief hug, I looked back at the others to see their reactions to their gifts. Aerglo looked very happy with his new perches, flying to all of them and singing in soft chirps, Deimos on the other hand looked a bit dreadful and unnerved.

His eyes looked slitted and his breathing came out in puffs. "What's wrong with Deimos?"

I looked up to Saros for an answer but even he seemed a bit nervous. "Well," he paused, seemingly unsure of himself, "Why don't you comfort him?"

I noticed immediately that he avoided my question but didn't press further, instead I followed his advice. Deimos seemed to get tenser the more I approached him. As I lightly grabbed his hand, he growled deeply before realizing it was me.

Gently, I made him follow me to my new hideout crawling inside I pulled him along with me. "Come snuggle," I said patting one of the many floor pillows.

He let out a deep breath before crawling his way over to me, relaxing into a pillow. I closed my eyes then quickly let out a squeak as he dragged me onto his chest, nuzzling my hair. "What'd you do that for?"

"You said snuggle," he said after calming down, lightly rumbling, "So we will snuggle soft being."

After a few minutes, I brought up the question, "What's wrong with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You seem tense," I played with his webbed hand, "I was concerned."

He never answered me, instead he started rubbing my back, breathing deep into my hair. After that, I dropped the subject. Whatever it was didn't involve me it seemed and after finally getting on Deimos's good side I didn't want to backtrack all the progress we've made.

Kissing his chest lightly, was either one worst or one of the best ideas I had in making him calm down. Because soon after I did that, Deimos's hand began to creep down until it settled on the small of my back. Rubbing small circles for a moment before I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I sat upon his lap, straddling him, with my hands placed on his chest.

As I looked down at him, my hair fell around our heads almost shielding us from the world. His black eyes stared into my violet ones with the same intensity.

It was almost like we came to an understanding, one that didn't need words to know what the other was saying. This is also why I think he decided to open up to me at that moment. "There are scents here that aren't our own."

"Well, this is a new home, our new home, there are many new things we need to get too comfortable with." It meant a lot that he opened up, but I didn't expect him to be this sensitive to the move.

"That's not it there are two scents that are very prominent in that room that aren't ours. One smells a little bit like you."

This confused me. I knew Deimos's nose was a lot stronger than my own, but why would one of them smell similar to my own? Why did Saros and Zenith seem wary to tell us something that was obviously bothering them?

Until these questions were answered the only thing I could do at the moment was distract his mind. "Did you look around the room? They gave us gifts for the new home, you even have a bigger pool," he hummed lightly, "And Aerglo seems to be happy with his new perches."

Deimos's mind seemed to be in a very different place, looking where he was I could see why. I could see his brightly colored shaft peeking through his slit under my sheer dress. Looking back up, our eyes found each other and the desire from his dilated eyes seeped into my own. The pure predatory gaze he held stirred up something within me.

Slowing the hands he had rested on my hips crept down, firmly massaging me from behind. Lightly I ground down on him just enough that it didn't hurt his sensitive tip, working for my hands up his chest and shoulders.

As he slowly entered me, he hissed lowly clutching my hips tight. Once he was fully entered, I gently bounced earning a nice growl of approval. Continuing, it wasn't long until he began to meet me with thrusts of his own.

We both reached our highs after a couple of messy thrusts. This position was a bit uncomfortable with him being stuck in me. White covered the light green scales on his belly but he didn't seem to mind. A few minutes later we finally pulled apart and I flopped down beside him, my leg draped over his own and his hand on the small of my waist.

The calm moment was severed quickly as we both sat up fast. Aerglo's once happy chirping turned into distressed, almost frightened, ones. It wasn't long after we heard Saros's voice sound through the room, "Deimos! Ceilo! Come meet your new brothers!"

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