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A crowd of students have circled to see what was happening between the two male students, a few decided to record, mainly because Hobin, famous for uploading fighting-related videos, is being intimidated by a student younger than him

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A crowd of students have circled to see what was happening between the two male students, a few decided to record, mainly because Hobin, famous for uploading fighting-related videos, is being intimidated by a student younger than him.

Who wouldn't get interested?

But nonetheless, even with the intimidation, Hobin had no idea if M/n was someone who knows how to fight. He seems too genial to punch someone. 

But looking at himself, he decided that judging someone seems quite a bad idea. Well, he's a loser, yet he manages to defeat bullies. Hell, even an athlete!

"Hyung, do you want 10 won?" M/n asked again, his face only displaying a warm smile, along with a friendly demeanor. He was unreadable, and Hobin didn't know if he should refuse or accept.

What would happen if he said no, would M/n kill him? What about yes? He was taking too long, he couldn't even tell if M/n was getting impatient. 

But nevertheless, he's learned a few useful techniques from someone, maybe he can at least survive this fight that he doesn't even know will happen or not. 

"Yes..." M/n raised a brow, his eyes squinting in amusement. He could see Hobin gulping in anticipation of what will happen next, M/n could even see Hobin ready to use his fist any second.

"Heads... Or tails?" M/n asked, this time, Hobin was quick to answer his question. "Tails!" Hobin didn't knew what was going to happen, but he wished for the coin to flip to tails. He still didn't want to fight.

M/n's eye twitched slightly, showing a slight disappointed that he didn't chose the other one. But the coin was in his hand, he could change the rules if he wants to.

Flipping the coin, it came down quickly to his palm. Hobin continued to hope inside his thoughts, but to his dismay, it was heads.

"Sorry, hyung. You're alright with that, right?" In a span of light, M/n was quick to ran towards Hobin. Hobin was startled, who knew someone was that fast?

It was a good thing Hobin swung his fist directly towards M/n's nose, but he couldn't feel the familiar feeling of someone's flesh. He missed M/n.

Shit, what do I do!?  Hobin was frantically hoping someone would stop the fight, he couldn't fight someone as fast as lightning. He was still an amateur. 

"Calf kick!" Hobin exclaimed, targeting to hit M/n's calf, but M/n completely dodged by quickly walking a few inches away from Hobin. The moment Hobin stared at M/n, he gasped when M/n was already launching towards him.

M/n's smile didn't fade, his eyes were basically closed from how big his smile was. His gums were showing and he couldn't even see Hobin's petrified expression.

But just as M/n was ready to touch Hobin, he felt himself being lifted from his sleeveless jumper. His smile was still there, but his eyes opened in confusion. "Huh?"

Looking behind, he saw another one of the students older than him. He figured it right away that the student didn't like what was happening in the corridor. The student was gripping his uniform as if it was nothing, so M/n guessed that the guy probably works out.

"Shit, it's Munseong!" One of the students whispered loudly to someone beside him.

"What are you doing?" Munseong, M/n remembered that name, it was the name that always came out of the MMA-obsessed students' mouths in his class. Well, they weren't lying when they said he was much more intimidating than the infamous Pakgo.

Seeing him in the corridor, all of the students walked away, leaving the three alone in the corridor.

 "M-Munseong!" Hobin smiled, relieved someone came to stop M/n before he kills him. But what scared him for a few minutes, was the cut on M/n's cheek. It wasn't fatal, but it was very visible.

Did his punch came close to M/n? But he didn't feel M/n's face! Even so, Hobin thought it was probably because M/n was too fast that he couldn't feel M/n's skin.

Fuck, is Taehoon gonna kill me!? Hobin figured M/n and Taehoon were friends, and seeing as the cut was seeable, Taehoon would probably ask M/n who hurt him. M/n won't rat me out right?! He's the one who started it!

Seeing as M/n was a grade below Hobin and Munseong, Munseong offered to take M/n back to his classroom, seeing as the school building was quite complex. 

Before M/n and Munseong walked away, M/n stopped in his tracks and stared at Hobin with eyes that looked so... Despondent.

"Hyung..." M/n tilted his head, giving Hobin another gummy smile, "You look... Familiar."

What he said confused Hobin, but he didn't care much about what he said, probably because he was too focused on the card in M/n's hand.

Hobin knew it was for him, so he slowly took it from M/n. As the two students walked away in the distance, Hobin stared at the card. 

It was like one of those cards people use for business, and the back was in brown gingham, while the front has M/n's number, a sentence below his number wrote, 'Wanna buy ice cream together?'

M/n huffed out with a blush on his face, maybe giving Hobin the card was quite stupid. He saw Seongjun giving a card to unfamiliar people before, and those businessmen found it normal. Well that's because they're businessman!

Hobin wasn't, and so was he. He probably thought Hobin found him confusing. But even so, he was looking forward for Hobin to call him. 


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