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Sitting on the table of his seat, M/n's feet dangled in the air, his mouth occupied with the lollipop he bought while walking to school

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Sitting on the table of his seat, M/n's feet dangled in the air, his mouth occupied with the lollipop he bought while walking to school.

Inside the classroom, he was in the middle seat. And most of the students who entered the room firstly greeted M/n before going back to their own business. Even with the students who exited.

It wasn't like he was the oldest or the strongest one out of all the class, no, he was the opposite actually. He was the youngest and the less powerful. But that didn't stop students from respecting him.

He was the friendliest boy after all.

He was a social butterfly, befriending any person he sees in his sight. He was quite popular with all of the first year students, including the newtuber ones.

"Hey, is that a stain on your shirt?" 


Biting the stick of the lollipop to stop it from moving, he stared at his brown gingham sweatshirt to see if it was tainted by dirt, only to see a large spider beside him.

"Eeek!" M/n was terrified with spiders, the way they had long and many legs, it resulted to the fact that M/n thought the spiders would chase and eat him alive even if he was bigger than them. 

Stumbling upon the seat behind him, both the chair and table fell on the ground, along with M/n, which created a loud thud from the classroom.

"Sorry for startling you!" Shaking his head from the pain, he caressed his left arm and stared at the three people in front of him with confusion.


"Let us introduce ourselves!" Opening their hands as the middle one only smiled, his hands holding a recorder, "We're the comedy crew!"

"We're filming a newtube video where we throw a fake spider at students as a prank!" Scratching his head, the guy wearing a hoodie smiled sheepishly.

M/n was easily persuaded and only smiled, nodding as a way to forgive them, "It's alright! It's not your fault that I fell, anyway!" 

The three didn't bother to help M/n stand up, they only watched the video before they're expression changed to something mischievous, but M/n didn't see it.

Turning to leave, the seat and M/n was still on the ground. Seeing as it was lunch time, most of the students already left, and the big bruise on M/n's arm has started to turn purple.

Fortunately, Gaeul, Viral hit's editor, was just passing by at the corridor. She was humming a song before she saw M/n playfully pressing his bruised arm.

"M/n!" his head averted outside, his pointing finger still pressing his bruise. He didn't know who the girl was, but she seems to be concerned for him.

"Where the hell did you get this, young man!?" Taking his hand as the two walked out of the classroom, M/n let the female take the lead, seeing as he didn't even know where to go.

"Uhm, from... Candy? Yeah, a candy!" M/n probably thought he could get away because of his excuse, but that only worsened since Gaeul now thinks M/n didn't want to say it because he was probably threatened by someone.

Gaeul shot him a glance, obviously not believing what M/n just said, "I mean, you can get hurt from many things! When you eat too much candy, you'll get sugar rush then..."

His explanation was getting far away from the original lie, and Gaeul doesn't even know if M/n was just playing or he really was trying to persuade her with his nonsense of a lie.

"...Then you'll get these bruises! It's simple-- Also, did you know it takes 12 pounds of milk to produce just 1 gallon of ice cream?" M/n smiled, hopping around as the two students entered the school clinic.

And when M/n's bruise was now treated, Gaeul gave her best interrogating gaze towards M/n, demanding an explanation to his bruise.

"It's nothing, really...!" The tension was awkward, and M/n hated awkward situations, so taking a deep breath, "I fell because I was pranked by comedy crew. There, I said it! It's true, I'm scared of spiders! You can laugh at me now!"

A blush adorned M/n's cheeks as he huffed, crossing his arms out of embarrassment. Gaeul only blinked in surprise, and here she thought the famous cute boy was being bullied. 

"Oh, howdy! Why didn't you tell me?" Gaeul gave him a smile, nudging him with her elbow, "That's alright! There's nothing to be embarrassed of!"

And when Gaeul heard of what happened, M/n didn't expect himself to be sitting outside with the members of the Viral hit channel.

Hobin was cautious of him, but he was comfortable with him being beside M/n. "Seriously? I thought they wouldn't harass famous people! What's with them?!" Gaeul exclaimed.

M/n didn't want to pry in their conversation, so he only sucked his cheeks and continued to play with his bruise, only for Gaeul to hold his hand, "Hey! Your bruise is gonna stay forever if you do that, young lad!"

M/n only pouted and hugged his knees, "You guys are cool..." the unexpected flatter caught the attention of the three students, who turned towards M/n.

"W-what?" Hobin asked, he must've heard it right, but for the sake of his ego, he wanted M/n to say it again.

"You guys are cool, so I'm sure you guys can beat the comedy crew!" Smiling towards the three, M/n has heard about the comedy crew and what happened to the three meeting the crew.

The three were scratching their napes, averting their eyes to a different place, obviously moved by M/n's compliment. Hearing that, maybe their plan to confront the comedy crew really was going to happen.

"Did you guys know, the average number of licks to finish a scoop of ice cream is 50?"

"Did you guys know, the average number of licks to finish a scoop of ice cream is 50?"

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