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Jk's pov

Today is the day of competition. I already registered for it. But my dad is sitting in the living room itself, not moving even an inch. Ohh god! please help me!! He even locked the back door and hid the key somewhere. He is so clever! I thought of jumping the parting wall which was between my house and Taehyung's. Now it's also not possible. I looked at my mom, she sighed. She suddenly went to my dad and said, "Let him go!! It's his dream!! How can you be this harsh on your child??"

Jk's mom pov

He put down the newspaper he was reading and whisper yelled, "You think I'm harsh on him? You don't know why I'm being like this??" I replied, "I know!! But what makes you think that same will happen to him?" I said in a low tone making sure Jungkook can't hear it. "I don't know! I just don't want my son to go through the same." He whispered. "It won't happen. Please let him go now" "Do whatever you want!! No one will do what I say in this house." He yelled and went inside the room.

Jk's pov

What are they talking? I can't hear anything. But at the end he yelled and went inside. What's going on here? My mom turned to me and gestured me to go. I went to her and asked, "Why is he yelling?" "Don't worry! I'll take care of him. You go now. It's gonna be late." She gave a assured smile. I sighed and nodded. As I went out, Taehyung was standing leaning on the wall outside the house. "Yah! Alien!! What are you doing here?"

"What else? Waiting for you! You finally came out. Come let's go." Before I could say anything he dragged me. We reached where the competition is going to take place. I showed my ID which they provided when I registered. They allowed us in and we came to the changing room. "Go get changed! I'll wait for you here" Taehyung said to which I nodded and went inside. I got changed and came out. I was nervous as hell.

In addition to it, U-jin is also here. He is not bad. In the previous competition which was just for fun, he lost first place with a difference of .5 second. I took a deep breathe and turned back when I felt something bumping on my back. A girl slipped and fell on me. I held her by her waist and fell down with her. She was on top of me, her back facing me. I sat up, still my hands on her waist. Now she is on my lap. Again this girl.

She didn't see my face as she was sitting on me, she said sorry and was about to get up. But I pulled her back making her sit again on my lap. She turned to me and looked with a confused look. "No need to say sorry.... Princess!" I whispered near her ear brushing my ears on her earlobe. She glared at me and got up. She was mad. "How dare you call me with nicknames!! You bastard!" She yelled. I also got up. "Why shouldn't I?" I questioned.

"You pervert! Bastard! You made me pay your bill that day and now calling me with nicknames?" She glared at me like she is going to pierce a hole on me. But it's kinda.. cute.. What?! No! "You beat me that day and ran away just like that and wasted my food too, so I think you deserve that." I stated. "I apologised that day I mistook you for someone else." She said. "A single and simple sorry will not be a compensation. Do you know how embarrassed I was? All the people around were judging me." I raised my voice slightly as if I was angry.

"And also you wasted the food bumping into me. You think I'll leave you just like that?" I added. "I said sorry!" she said cutely pouting her lips out. Her plump lips! Oh my god! Why my heart is racing like this? Goddd! Her eyes and lips! I breathed out loudly and stepped near her with my hands in my hip. Leaning down, looking straight in her eyes and my lips only a inch far from hers, I said, "Don't say sorry, princess, just do things for me. I'll make you do!" and moved to her ear and said, "You'll do those things only for me, princess!" My lips brushed her earlobe.

I took a step back and saw her cheeks fully red. I chuckled at her blank face. She blinked her eyes few times. She shook her head and cleared her throat. "You pervert!!" She yelled and went. I chuckled at her reaction. I heard another laugh. It was taehyung. "There are some girls who won't fall for your seductive voice." He said chuckling. "Stop it! I was not trying to seduce her." "Is it so? Why are your ears red jungkook-ah?" He teased me. "I'm just cold, nothing else."  I said covering my ears with my hair. He chuckled and said "Whatever! Now go, competition is going to start." 

Y/n's pov

This guy looking hot in the swim suit and his raspy voice. What the hell? It's so hot in here. His lips too close to mine! My eyes went to his soft lips and to his dark black eyes. His statement made me feel something in my stomach. 'Things? Holy shit!' I thought! His lips brushed my earlobe making me get goosebumps. Holy fuck! My knees getting weak only for his voice and slight touch! 'I shouldn't let him know this weakness!' I gulped down the lump in my throat. I just yelled at him and started from there. 

I ran somewhere and went inside a room and sat on the couch there. I covered my fave with my palm. It was so hot. "Aishhhh! Why did turn all red infront of him Y/n, you idiot!" I whined and stomped my feet on the ground few times. "You idiot! Idiot! Idiot!" I slapped myself just then someone entered the room. I looked up and saw Hoseok. "Why are you calling yourself a idiot Y/n?" He asked and walked towards me.

He saw my face and asked, "Are you sick? Why are you all red?" He checked my body temperature by keeping his fingers on my forehead. "The temperature is good. But Why are you red?" He asked again. "It's... just that I'm little cold." I said. "I'm fine" I said getting up from the couch. "You sure? Take rest if you want." He said. "No it's ok. I'm fine. I'll get going. I have work to do." I said and quickly walked out. 'Ugh! What a day!' I murmured. 



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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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