Chapter Seven

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Aron's POV.

I walked down the stairs kind of in a daze as I thought about Ava and what had just happened.

'She loves you, you dipshit.' The voice was back and insulting me again.

I opened the door to see the fading image of Jorel's car as it turned the corner. I glanced back over at Truth and Yuma, who stared back at me. I shrugged my shoulders and sat down on the porch railing.

I took a cigarette out of my coat pocket, kind of just rolling it around in my hand. Ava didn't like it when I smoked, so I tried not to. But it was times like these that stresses me out and I had to smoke at least one cigarette.


"What?" I asked looking up at Yuma.

"I asked you if you're going to be okay or not."

I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at the cigarette in my hands. "Honestly?" I took a deep breath and pulled my hood up over my face. "I don't know man. She's got me hooked on her like as if she was some kind of drug and I was meant to be addicted to her."


"Shut up man. Can't you see he's in love with her, and she in love with him." Truth slapped Yuma on the shoulder, then stood to come sit by me.

"What do I do Truth?" I asked tossing Yuma the cigarette.

"I think that she was made for you, you two connect on ways that I've never seen before. If you were to ask me if I believed in 'true love' or 'love at first sight' back before I had met you I would've said no, but ever since I met you and have seen you and her together. I'd say that there is such a thing." He paused to stand up and pull out my car keys from his coat. "And you can't let someone else try to tell you that you can't be with the one you love."

I almost smiled as I pushed myself off of the railing and followed him down to my car. "We gonna go get her?" I asked as I got in the car.

Truth shook his head and smiled, "Nah man we're not just getting her, but were gonna tell off her dad too."

"You're crazy bro."

**fifteen minutes later**

As we drove down the old familiar street to Johnny's house I felt my nerves kick into gear as we drew nearer to the house. When we pulled up I saw Matt examining Ava's face, and saw her lean into Jay while Jordan had his arms around Johnny. I looked over at Truth, fear settling into my stomach.

"Dude, go. she needs you."

When I got out of the car I saw her turn around to face me. Her cheek was red with a handprint. Her eyes full of fear. I felt my fists clench at my side as I took in the situation. Her dad knew about her hanging out with me and he had hit her because of it.

I walked right up to her, but before I could take her in my arms Jay pushed her behind him.

"Come on man. I'm not gonna hurt her." I said as I reached my hand out to her. "I'm not the enemy here right now." I saw Jay's hard expression soften as Ava moved out from behind him and she shot him a pleading look.
"Alright." he said and let her come to me.

"Avie." I said and gathered her into my arms. She held me tight and started to cry into my chest. I looked up at Jay and said, "Thank you."

He nodded his head and moved in front of me and Ava so that Johnny couldn't see us. It worked for about the next five seconds. Once again I heard Johnny yell and scream at me to get away from Ava.

I pulled her closer to me before she could break free. I knew how she thought in situations like this. She ran. Always ran away from what was happening, so this time I was ready for her to bolt.

"GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER DEUCE!!!" He screamed at me as he thrashed against Funny and Jordan's grasp on him.

"Dude come on!"

"Chill out man!"


Jay and Matt ran over to help Funny and Jordan. I watched in horror as they tried to hold Johnny back from attacking me. I thought back to the day when Johnny kicked me out of the band, he acted the same way. only then Ava wasn't involved.

Suddenly Johnny broke free from Funny and Johnny's fist flew out and connected with the side of Funnyman's face; Funny stumbled back and fell into Matt. Johnny didn't stop, he kept swinging his fists at all of them.

Underneath my arms I felt Ava moving around trying to break free. "Ava stop! Please!" I cried as she jabbed her fingers into my side.

My arms dropped to my side and she ran ahead of me. I felt my heart stop as she kept running straight to her dad. After all I've been through she just runs back to her dad. I started to turn to go, but Truth was right behind me and made me turn around to see what was happening.

Ava was stopped right in front of Johnny, her head held high and fists clenched. I watched as she started to yell at him to stop.

"God don't you see what you've done?!" She screamed as she gestured to Matt, Funny, Jay, and Jordan. They were all bruised and scratched up, but still ready to jump into action if need be. "You're hurting the ones you love, and for what?! Me?"

She stepped back from him and walked over to me. She grabbed onto my hand and pulled me forward. "Dad. you can't keep me from Aron. I'm not a child and in case you forgot he used to be your best friend too!" She looked up at me and smiled. I squeezed her hand gently.

"Dad you have no ideas what you've done. What you've been doing! Why do you think mom left you?!" She let go of my hand and walked right up to Jay and them.

"You have done nothing but damage this family. I mean look at Matty! You BROKE his nose!" She sighed and shook her head,"dad. I'm not a kid anymore okay? I'm old enough to make my own decisions. And I choose Aron."

She walked back over to me and steered me to the car. Behind us I heard Johnny yelling at her to go in the house or else he was going to call Asia. I heard Ava laugh softly. She opened the car door for me, then turned to her dad and said, "SHE ALREADY KNOWS!" She burst out laughing again and got into the car, but made a point to sit on my lap and kiss me right before Truth drove away.

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