Chapter One

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It has been eleven years since my sister and I were kidnapped by the strangers. We managed to stay together for this long, Moon doesn't know why we've been here for this long while the other Failures were taken by Vampires and Werewolves. I don't know either, I think its because they only want to get one, not two. I was almost taken in by this nice woman, a Vampire, but then Moon started getting mad at her because 'If she goes, I go too!' She learned English, and tought me. We also still speak our birth language, though we'll get in trouble if we even think about it.

I've heard from some of the other Failures, that this pet shop is the strictest in the entire state of northern Wisconsin. Moon and I have never been out of this pet shop since we got here, eleven years ago, so we just thought that they were lies, but I do admit that this place does get strict sometimes when someone breaks a rule. But other than that, everything's fine here. I share a cage with Moon, though we still have the same sized cage like the others. It's not that big, so sometimes moving our tails might mean hitting the other in the face.

I wonder what it's like for the bird-like Failures, I've seen a few of them, they're like me, thought they have wings a little below their shoulder blades. Moon and I used to be friends with a Raven, and her name was Raven. She was really nice and was like Moon, she had long raven black hair with feathers around her ears, and she also had an icy blue gaze, her eyes were so icy, that in the daylight, they looked white. Moon and Raven were great friends, before Raven was adopted by a Vampire teenager, the horrors she must be in, teenage Vampires are not that great at taking care of pets, especially if it was a female.

When Raven was still with us though, she was let out once every other day to stretch out her wings. Sometimes in her speak her wings would expand and rattle her cage, along with the ones around her, and would scare us awake. The dog below her, his name is Mutt, he has always been mean to everyone, and he's only fourteen. He likes to call everyone pup, kit, hatchling, anything that refers to us as being a child, he said that to me once, and I'm only sixteen! I'm two years older than him! When he said that too me Moon got so pissed off that she broke our cage and tried attacking him. If it wasn't for the police man there, looking for a pup to train to be his partner, then Moon might've killed Mutt. Mutt from then on has stopped picking on me, but I could tell that if Moon wasn't here with me, he'd probably try tormenting me.

The shop is quiet nice, the cages are about four and a half feet in night, and five feet in width, I say that it's like living in a dull place, no Failure here is most likely purposefully happy, they might smile, purr, bark, anything really, to get you attention. They're only doing that so they could get out of that place. I don't care where I go, as long as I'm with Moon, I'll be fine. I'm more accepting of letting the Werewolves and Vampires to petting me than Moon is, so whenever some starts walking to us, she usually goes to the back so that person could pet me, not her. Because we still have the parts a humans body does, we wear cloths so the ocasonial child doesn't see anything a child that age shouldn't see, so we're given underwear and bras, and a shirt for the week. And whenever, uh, how should I put this? Uh, nature calls? We ask one of the staff if we could go to that bathroom. For us to look good and stay clean, we also get weekly showers.

The doorbell rings as a man and woman, looking like they're probably in their mid to late twenties, walked in. I could tell by their smell and eyes that they're Vampires, they wore fancy attire, like they're rich. I hope they're nice people if they pick Moon and I. The store manager, who was an old witch named Victoria, rushed out from behind the counter and bowed, were the Vampires royalty or something?

"Welcome to Bobs' Pet Shop!" Victoria smiled standing straight up again, "Are there any kinds of pets that you might like?"

"Preferably one that can speak English," The woman said in a profeshinally deep voice, she had blonde hair in a tight bun and was paper white, "I don't want to have to hassle with teaching it."

Victoria looked stunned, "Oh, uh," She turned around and faced the pets, "Are there, uh, any of you that can speak English?" She asked.

I heard a few of the other Failures say "I do" or "I can", so then I said , "We can!" It surprised me by my voice sounded, I only whispered when I was talking to anyone. It surprised me, again, that they heard me, the man, who had black hair and had some more color than the woman next to him, looked over to Moon and I, and started walking to us, Moon saw that and went to the back of the cage glaring at him, while I sat there, hunched over by the low ceiling. My tail curled around me as he got closer.

"What about her?" He asked in a low voice, "She seems nice and easy to handle." He stuck his fingers through the bars and started to play with my hair, I started rubbing my head against the metal bars.

"I-I-I-I'm not sure she'll leave her sister, if you separate them, the one in that back will bite you," Victoria stuttered in her old woman voice, "Its happened before!"

The woman made her way over to my cage in long steps, she looked very, very, very, professional doing that. When she reached our cage, she took a long and close look at me, and looked at what she could see of Moon, "So," She suddenly said, "How old are they?"

"They are right now fifteen, they'll be sixteen on January sixteenth, they're twins," Victoria said slowly, trying to remember, "And I think Moon, the darker one, aas born first."

"No," I corrected her, everyone was surprised that I was talking, "I was born a few minutes before Moon was." I just stared at them while Victoria looked surprised to see me, above all Failures, talking, and the man and woman had disbelief written on their faces, I think its not common to have someone below you correct you.

"Her English is so well spoken," The man said, "I'm willing to pay extra for the other one, what about you, Sweetie?" He looked over to the woman, who I now think is his wife.

"I'm willing to do that too," She looked at me with approving eyes, "They do look like they wouldn't want to be separated. Then I think it's final that we're taking them."

I smiled at them, and I heard Mutt growl, probably envious that Moon and I will be leaving and not him. I'm glad that we get to have a new home with new owners, some of the other pets will probably be sent to another pet shop half way across the country and will stay there until they are adopted by someone. I wonder what my new home looks like. I wonder if there is anyone else in the family that I can hang around with. I wonder what Moon thinks of this.

Victoria went back behind the desk and got some keys out. She looked at them and flipped through them and tried one out, the cage door opened and I stuck my head out while Moon slowly moved her way next to me. Our new owners paid the money for Moon and I. I slowly places one hand out of the cage looking around, until I heard Victoria sigh and used her magic to drag Moon and I out of the cage, and slowly placed us on the floor next to our new owners, I guess we were taking too long. Moon slowly stood up on her two feet, then I did the same, it feels weird doing this, I've rarely done this before, so I guess that I'll have to learn how to walk straight.

"Do you think you can make it to the car by yourself?" The man asked us, "Because it looks like you haven't used your feet in awhile."

"Yeah," Moon said, while I just nodded. I'll have to get used to everything, especially the outside, I haven't been outside since I was taken. The man and woman walked over to the door and waited for us, I slowly mimicked what they did, one foot in front of the other, it surprised me that walking again was a little easier than I thought, while Moon stumbled a bit. I walked over to the door with little troubles while Moon was walking in an zigzag way. She finally made it to us and then Victoria gave our new owners two collars and two leashes, the woman put my collar and leash on me while Moon had the man put her collar and leash on her.

"Okay, so we parked down the block, we're going to have to walk again," The man said in a strict voice. Moon and I nodded at the same time and started walking behind them to their car, the outside was colder than it was inside, so I was shivered, Moon and I were only wearing out bra and underwear and a shirt over them, so I was freezing when I started getting closer to their car, it was a black limo, I've heard about them, but I've never seen one in real life, I've been under a rock my whole life so I don't know much about anything.

I wonder what lif will be like for me now, living with Vampires. I wonder how Moon will take this.

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