Candles & Blood Offerings🔪

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3. Candles & Blood Offerings.


Nato Jinsong.

"Is it going to hurt doing anal?"

"When's the latest I can eat before?"

"Will I bleed down there after the first time?"

"What's the best lube to use?"

These were all the questions I had dove down the deep dark web about the last three nights preparing for the moment I get to have sex with Roy McKay. I still don't get how far up my ass the lucky rabbit foot is even supposed to be in this position. The McKay's run a successful car dealership here. It's Elias McKay, and his three sons that run it. Roy said his mom skipped town with a Personal Trainer when he was around eight. So, as the years went by, and his brothers started working for their dad...Roy was obviously up next up—or so his dad thought.

A lot of things happened last Summer, when we met, to change that. I finally got my first car and that was basically the spark. We started by bonding over our obsession with Stranger Things. It just amused me because he is definitely your typical jock. He would wear a jersey to church if he could. He runs with other meatheads all day and the only thing I never saw Roy do was date girls. It should've been a giveaway really, among other things I had seen. He was definitely more invested in his little clique than anything: Mason Connery, Ali Collins, Pete Acker and Nikita Grey. It was a group I had never associated much with, other than Tatum's sister. Roy and I had become pretty close throughout the summer and the day before school started back we went to Lake Roche. It runs in a snake-like design thru all of WillBerry. It's only alternative, WillBerry Lake, but that was typically more of a hookup spot than a hangout one.

While there the moon shined down on us and it felt different than any of our other hangouts. Something about this time, sitting on this picnic blanket, and how he was acting was so different. After we finished three beers a piece he had mustered up enough courage and kissed my shy and timid ass. I thought I was dreaming because, I knew I was into guys, but in WillBerry (land of the rich, wealthy and perfect) it was obviously not viewed in the most scandal free light. I had come to the conclusion in like 8th grade at the community country club pool, after sporting a hard-on seeing Mason's brother Jason Connery naked in the locker room. So this now with this current crush on Roy I knew wouldn't last(hiding my feelings), especially after what happened last summer, but it was definitely a Spring Awakening. So, imagine my surprise when I got to share the most intimate moment with the most handsome meathead in WillBerry.


I dropped out of my trance and jumped up with my heart pumping. I closed my Mac-book and slid it on top of my Physiology Book. I walked over to my window and slid it open.

"You better be lucky Coach have us in Dance Class practicing a few Ballet moves because this perch is small," Roy said as I cracked up laughing and helped him in.

I closed it back and stated, "I told you to come after 11 so Mom, Dad, and my sisters would be knocked out."

Roy smiled, "I know but I saw that message and my eyes damn near bulged out of my head."

"Look Nato," he continued. "I know I put a bit of pressure, but we can wait. I know you-"

I quickly reached out and put my left index finger over his plump and perfect lips.

"Shush, I'm ready," I said, while smiling back at him; and I definitely was. It was easy to follow the path of perfection in this town and get swept under the rug. I wanted to be seen, and having sex with Roy McKay was the best way I knew to make that happen. I slid out of my white T-shirt and showed off my slim frame. He rubbed down my arms before swiftly unbuttoning his Lettermen Jacket for WillBerry high. My eyes bulged when I realized he wasn't wearing a shirt under it. His hard chest, plump nipples, well defined abs and v-cut—it all made me feel something strange; but also, somehow familiar.

"GINA TURN ON WILLBERRY's WATER-WELL BY TATUM COLLINS," I said sort of loud as my surround sound started playing my best friends podcast.

Roy laughed, "We are going to listen to a podcast by your best friend for our first time as background music?"

"Welcome back dedicated listeners in WillBerry," Tatum's voice echoed. "I am the best podcast host in town because I keep shit real. Halloween is approaching fast next week and as we all know Mason Connery is throwing the biggest party of the night so if you aren't in sucks to be you honestly."

It sounded like Tatum was shoveling some notes and then her voice continued with a few added sound effects.

"If you are just joining me you can press that pretty ass follow button. Now on to our first hot topic. Many of you may know, Jason Connery, graduated and split from WillBerry about three years ago. Well a little birdy told me he got the boot from MIT after daddy's money and influence did not keep him there. And what better week for a debut and probably string of lies than the week the most popular girl in town is murdered and his baby brother is throwing a Halloween-"

"GINA STOP," Roy spoke and the surround sound stopped.

I burst out laughing and exhaled, "Yeah that was kind of weird, sorry. I just didn't want deafening silence."

Roy rubbed my left cheek with his thumb slowly as we stared into each other eyes and he stated,
"It's fine. How about this? -GINA play Sexual Healing by Marvin Gaye."

Roy swiftly picked me up and like in sync we crashed our lips into each other's as he walked me over towards my bed. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he slowly laid me down and started kissing down my neck as my eyes rolled back. My breathing got heavy and my panting came quickly. I was about to finally give it up to Roy. I was about to become one with him. I heard the sharp zipper of my shorts and I lift up so he can pull them off. He tossed them to the left and I watched as he unbuckled his jeans and pulled them down along with his black underwear.

I gasped at the size of the member between his legs and he smirked, "I know. Your face is the team face in the showers. I am blessed."

"Blessed indeed." I mumbled as he climbed back over me and we began to make out once more.

I broke apart to say one thing I had been waiting to say for months, "Go slow," I said.

He tilted his head to the side, taking a moment to blink before glancing back towards the Gina system once more and the stroking my cheek, "I got you."



"NATO! The Vigil is in 15 minutes, Mom said you can ride with her," one of my annoying brat sisters Lillian stated, interrupting the moment my penis and my hand was having.

I was reminiscing about the perfect night Roy and I had, but sadly it was time to get going. I promised to go to Roy during dinner when he messaged me and unlike us—Wilma didn't have a perfect night last night.

"I am not riding with her. She is going out there to catch gossip and tea for the news. I am going in my own car and paying my respects to Wilma," I told Lillian.

She laughed as my sister Zoe peaked through the door and they both ran out, "I'll tell her that!"

Tatum Collins.

"Thanks, and like always your payment will be left in the yellow bin behind the station. I'll make the drop after the vigil," I told a dear friend before hanging up my phone. I grabbed my camera from my passenger seat as I then stepped out the car. The grass in front of town hall was pretty packed as Candles was laid out in front of the concrete wall.

"Tay!" I heard behind me as I turned around and saw Nato running over towards me. We hugged and the scent of vanilla played footsies with my nose hairs.

"Ugh I love your shampoo. You are going to tell me where you get it," I told him as he rolled his eyes as he did every time and then gave me the same response.

"I keep telling you my mom makes it for us. She read some article about a decade ago about shampoo's causing brain cells to die and you know she won't have us messing up her dream of my sisters and I curing cancer." Nato explained to me.

All I could think was that Sarah Jinsong was cracked. My parents are both doctors and my sister and I are nothing alike. Ali wants to twirl toes and sing while I want to unearth the truth about a grueling mystery.

Nato and I started the walk down the short path towards the vigil.

"Mason put this together fairly quickly. I guess he had help from his big brother," I whispered as Nato looked over to me and asked, "Yes I meant to ask about that...Jason Connery is back in town?"

"Yep, got video footage from the train station from my source to prove it" I winked at him.

He smirked, "Why am I not surprise? You never speak on what you don't have concrete proof on. Who's this source of yours anyway?"

"A girl never kisses and tells," I said. "And hello, that's why I won't work with your mom. She gets a little information and builds the story off her back. Look at her now walking around and writing things down." I said before pointing out towards her as Nato grabbed my hand and dragged us over to the other side to not be seen by her...or to see the fine piece of Roy McKay standing with his infamous clique. It sucks he can't be there to console him in the way he wants, but I can tell that just them both being in the same area is pure magic.

"And I wanted to wait until after the vigil but I just got word from my secret source," I whispered over into Nato's ear, but homeboy was obviously wrapped up elsewhere.

I looked and saw he and Roy had making eye-contact and practically telepathically eye-fucking each other. Roy smiled and so did Nato. They are so stinking cute but before the next body drop I need to let Nato know this.

"Did you hear me?" I asked. "Nato it's all cute and all what you got going on with him, but we are at the slasher movie title phase. Wilma Gardner was the pop off murder. The shock, the awe, but trust me another body is about to drop and before Connery's party next week most of that clique won't be alive..."

"Tay we are literally at the girl's vigil. Let's wait til after-"

"So, I guess you don't want to know that Wilma Gardner was running a JustForFans page under an alias," I said.

"Text messages, a secret bank account, all of the works that proved it. Her parents want to keep it under wraps until it can for sure tied to the murder. My source says Wilma was also sending money to someone else in WillBerry."

"Like her pimp?"

"Or co-worker," I quickly stated as we both looked back towards the vigil as Mason Connery had stepped up to address the crowd. Roy, Nikita, Ali, and Pete stood behind waiting for their 'king' to speak for them. Mason started his speech with some cliché sad words and thanked Sheriff Benson for allowing the event to take place. I was focused on their faces and demeanors because like all slasher films one of them has to be involved. It's in the very fabric of what makes a good slasher movie. It's always someone you know.


"It is approaching 6:30 and I want you kids and the residents of WillBerry to be safe so if anyone else have anything to add. It will have to be short," Sheriff Benson spoke as a hand raised right in front.

Wilma's friends behind the Sheriff all look confused because Wilma was big on loyalty and there was no way she had someone they had never seen as a friend. However, a red-haired girl walked forward with a single pink rose in hand. She sat the flower down where all the others were as the candles blew fiery in the wind. She walked up to the podium and exhaled.

"I know this could have probably could have waited until the funeral," she said. "But Wilma was one of the most captivating girls I ever came across."

She pushed back her hair as she continued, one tear rolling down her cheek. "She and I met last summer and well, we became pretty close, and told each other loads of secrets that I will cherish forever."

She gestured to where she had set the rose. "I brought you a pink rose from Delilah's Blood Garden in the city as an offering of peace. We used to sit at that diner and laugh for hours with the one single pink rose sitting in that vase between us. You made moving here just a short few months ago the best time ever and now I don't know what I am going to do without you."

At this point the girl was bawling, with a familiar face from the crowd reaching up to offer her a tissue. She took it and blew her nose, before composing herself and continuing.

"I hope this killer is found and put away for the rest of their life," she said. "Thanks, Sheriff Benson for allowing me to speak and to her friends-"

She took a small pause as she turned to face Roy and the rest of Wilma's former clique.

"She adored each and every one of you."

Mason looked the most concerned, turning to push something away with his hand and plugging his ears in a way I didn't quite understand.

"Is he hearing something?" I whispered, too quiet for anyone to hear.

He was definitely moving up my suspect list.

Mason Connery.

Connery's Manor

I walked out of my closet in black boxer briefs from CELINE as Roy laid across my bed typing away.

"Well damn bro," I said. "Who has your attention? You've been wrapped up in that phone all day and never miss an opportunity to see my bulge and such in my underwear."

I couldn't help how confident I was. Us Connery men just had IT, whatever that was; and I'd be damned if I didn't flaunt it.

Roy rolled his eyes and said, "Just someone I really like that I can't even go see because of this whole curfew shit. And don't flatter yourself."

"Hey," I said, adding a smirk. "You admitted on the last clique game night that out of Pete and I you would sleep with me. I've also seen those stares lover boy."

I walked over to my mirror, flexing my muscles and tightening my abs as I watched my body squeeze.

"It's okay I know I am a catch," I said. "Even with both of us being straight we can be honest about me being a catch. We both are. So, who is this mysterious girl?"

Roy choked on his spit and said, "She's uh, from the city, and you maybe a catch but I'm definitely not holding my baseball mitt out."

I grabbed a white shirt and grey shorts, quickly getting dressed before there was a knock on the door and my brother, Jason, slid it open.

"What you two virgins doing?" He asked, his gaze lingering on Roy. "I am about to grab a bottle from Dad's liquor cabinet and go down to my man cave and play the PS5. Are you two in? Or are you gonna stay up here in touch each other dicks all night?"

I shrugged, taunting my brother with, "Why not? Roy is packing and I would hate to feel less of a man. Now before you two laugh trust me Im grower. 8 1/2 last time I measured...and THICK!"

Roy on the other hand simply chuckled nervously.

Nato Jinsong.

"IT IS SO FUCKING HARD TO FIND THIS JUSTFORFANS PAGE," Tatum groaned from the screen of our FaceTime call.

"We've been at it for hours," I said. "Maybe your source wanted a payout and lied to get one. Everything isn't a mystery to solve. I mean we do have a killer on the loose but we weren't close to Wilma. We don't know who else she has encountered," I rambled while scrolling through the endless accounts.

"It's like a needle in a haystack-oh shit!" I said before cutting myself off as I found the perfect spot on the 66.8k accounts that Wilma followed.

"I think I found something" I said as Tatum gasped.

"Do your whole share screen thing you got with that bougie GINA software thingy," she said.

I leaped into action before it quickly popped up on both of our screens.

"Its her secret Twitter account for the JustForFans page promo. The link is in the bio," Tatum stated as she clicked it and when it came up the page was not found.

"We should have known her parents would have it taken down," I said. "Let's call it a night. Hate to say it but like you said another body is bound to drop and then just maybe another clue too."

Tatum sighed before scrolling down the JustForFans followers and spying a familiar face.

"Nato," she said.  "Look at the fucking screen!"

I did and could not believe what I saw as she continued.

"Wilma may not be here to give any answers but Mason Connery is legit alive and is one of the 700 followers on this page. He is the top one and my number one suspect. What were these two hiding?"

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