Chapter 6: Olivia

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Louis POV
As I was running down the stairs I heard voices of the Boys.
"Hey Lou what up?"
Zayn asked.
"Well errm Niall...."
I looking at Niall, everyone following me.
"Well I went to Olivia's room and she's.....gone"
Everyone stopped for a minute.
"Where did she go?!!!"
Harry asked frightened drifting one hand through his hair.
"Well she went t-"
Before finishing Niall ran upstairs.

"Well anyway she went to America to find Josh, she wanted to speak to him"
Giving the note to harry.
Everyone read it over Harrys shoulder.
"This is wrong, Olivia didn't have to leave just for Niall"
Larissa said taking the note throwing it.
"I know but she's her own person And if she wanted to fix this than she can"

Niall's POV
I ran upstairs to Olivia's room with no second thought.
It's all my fault. We got In a fight today because I over heard the boys talking about Josh coming over talking to Olivia.
After looking around a little I came across her dresser.
There was a picture of me and her at the party she asked me out on.
She looked gorgeous.
She's beautiful and that's hard for Niall Horan to say about some one.

After wipping my tears I ran back down stairs.
On the way down I stepped on a piece of paper folded.

It was Olivia's note that she left.
I'm flattered that she left for us but she could have told me first.
She could have asked me and we could have all went to support her.

"Hey Niall call her!"
Louis said grabbing my phone dialing.
"Wait I wanna talk to her"
"Ya me too"
Larissa said putting the speaker on.
"Olivia are you ok?
Why did you leave?!"
There was dead silence for a little until "flights to America leave in 10 mins"
Said the operator.
"I'm so sorry Niall and everyone else but I didn't know what to do since Niall was mad.
All these thoughts went through my head and the only good plan was to find Josh"

Olivia sounded very emotional.
You can hear her sniffing as if she was crying.
"Olivia you didn't have to leave you could have talked to us.
We were more scared than ever.
We have to come with you!"
Camila said talking loud as ever.
"Nooo don't come this isn't your job.
Niall's mad at me and I don't want that,
It was my fault so I have to fix this"
I didn't say a word.
I couldn't.
I wasn't mad anymore but I didn't feel like speaking.
I know I seam like a bad boyfriend right now but it's my only choice.
Once again I ran upstairs.
I couldn't help heating Olivia's voice knowing she wasn't beside me

Larissa's POV
"I'm sorry again, but I have to leave to my flight... OH and let me speak to Niall!"
........"sorry Olivia but he just ran to his room"
I said curling my hair looking up the stairs.
"......But I need to speak to him!"
You can hear Olivia running.
Probably to her plane.
"I wouldn't speak to him right now.
He's probably looking at old pictures and thinking of you, well bye we all love you!"
"Love you too"

We all left to the movies 2-3 hrs later.
We had to beg Niall to come cause he was just eating Olivia's fav chips.

We saw the movie "Duff".
We didn't want to see a romantic movie without Olivia because that would hurt me and of course Niall.

[After the movie]
We came home plopping on the couch.
We were laughing because of the movie but Niall ran straight to his room.
"Nialls really upset!"
Said liam stroking one hand through his hair.
Of course Camila and I said jumping up
"Ya but she's already pissed why should we make her more?"
Harold said seriously.
"Who cares she will thank us once were there, and plus she's only been to America once remember Harry"
I said pinching Harrys cheeks.
"Ya me, you, camila, Niall, and our parents went when we were 11"

Nialls POV
I was texting Olivia hoping she will txt back but she didn't.
I missed her sooo much.
I missed laying besides her messing with her hair.
There wasn't a moment when she wasn't around until now.

I had to do something.
I'm afraid she can get hurt.
What if Josh hurts her!!!
I have to leave!!

Larissa's POV
We all agreed on leaving the next morning.
It was about 9:34 p.m.
So we were gonna leave about 2:00 p.m. in the after noon.
And nun of us mentioned it to Niall yet so I have to go tell him.

On the way upstairs I bumped into Niall
"Hey Niall I was gonna sa-"
Cutting me off grabbing my hand dragging me to the living room.
"We have to go see Olivia in America!!"
Everyone laughed at Niall's little speach.
"Way ahead of you mate"
Zayn said laughing.
Niall had a smirk on his face and rolled his eyes.
We packed everything and went straight to bed because hell knows we can't get up in the morning sleeping after 10:00

Liam's POV
[12:03 p.m.]
I woke up to voices down stairs.
I can hear there conversations but I didn't care to listen.
I quickly changed and ran down stairs.
"Hey liam not much of an early bird are you?"
"Eleanor? What are you doing here?"
Running to her giving her the biggest hug.

A/N: Eleanor and Louis ain't together in this fanfic because I thought Larissa and louis were perfect..
Yep Larissa and Louis!!

"Camila invited me so I thought it would be a great experience."

It was so nice seeing Eleanor because she was really funny and friendly.
"Well we must get ready now because I just can't wait to see Olivia"
Niall.....of course he would say that.

Are flight was gonna leave in about 20mins so we were on our way to the airport.
A couple of fans were there and maybe 8 or 9 paparazzi's.
There was a lot of us so it was hard to keep up.
Some of our bags would bump into each other and it would cause a big commotion.

Finally we made it to our plane and rested through the whole trip.

A/N: sorry for not updating on Sunday but I was busy.
Once again I'm sorry and I'll make it up to y'all soon.

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