Chapter 7

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When he got to the edge of the forest, Harry slowed, panting. His fingers scrabbled at the dirt. Perhaps it was here. Or here. Or here . . ."

Harry couldn't remember falling; but the next thing he knew he was facedown on the forest floor, breathing in the musty scent.

He felt his hope fizzle out as swiftly as it had come. How would he be able to find such a small stone in a forest full of them? It was nearly impossible. And besides, Harry thought dully, It doesn't really bring them back anyways.

Harry didn't know how long he lay on the forest floor before a small hand gripped his shoulder.

He jerked his head around, alarmed, to find Ginny. Her eyes were red and puffy.

"Come on, Harry," she whispered.

Harry trotted numbly in her wake, back to the Hogwarts ground, back to the hoards of people celebrating. Happiness would come, he knew, but for now it was too weighed down by the loss of losing so many.

He rejoined the Weasley family, Hermoine, and Hagrid in a dark corner of the grounds. Hermoine raised her tear-streaked face to give Harry a wan smile. Harry would have smiled back, but his jaw didn't seem to be working.

Mrs.Weasley burst into fresh tears upon seeing him, and Hagrid pulled him into a rib-cracking hug. Ginny buried her face into her mothers shoulder; Harry sighed. This was going to be a very long night.

This is really short. sorry about that. . . 

I literally have no excuse I'm just lazy. Anyways thanks so much to qwertylol and sifs_rowan_tree for adding this to their reading lists ;w;

I wanna make a kotlc fanfic, so please tell me what u wanna see >:l I'm actually begging you; please.

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