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I am Payge. I have a unique ability. I have super speed. Mayne Day is coming up extremely soon and I am nervous to see what my new power is. I hope I don't have a choice. Those people are pure evil.
Chapter One
As I walked into the fairly big cafeteria, I was greeted by my friend, Makya. "Hi! What's up?" asked Makya, as she made a small, purple force field bubble with her finger.
"Nothing too much, how about you?" I asked back.
"Did you hear that Jannah grew a tree, accidentally, during track practice?" asked Makya, giggling.
" Oh, geez!" I said, laughing. That sounded like something Jannah would do. Jannah is also one of my great friends. Then after that, Makya and I walked over by the lunch table. My friends Addy, Andrea, Ash Lyn, Belle, Jannah, and Lexus were all sitting by the table. The bell rang straight away. Another crazy day ahead of us.
Chapter Two
My first hour class is gym, the best class. This gym class is like no other. You use your powers to win this game. So, it is kinda like cheating almost, but WAAAAAY better. Also in a good cheating way. Our gym teacher, Mr. Go-Go, announced that Mayne Day will be in 3 days. I started to panick. Ever since I was little,I worried I would get a choice for my power. That would mean I am pure evil. I thought that because I was the only one with violet colored eyes, usually your eye color matches your power. So really I probably should have had force field powers. I also knew I was different, but not always in a bad way, so a good way. My mom says it is nothing to worry about, but whatever. My friend, Addy, has future and past visions so she really helps everyone with that. She only gets signs and senses about what will happen. Sometimes she will get visions, not too often, her powers haven't upgraded yet. They probably won't until after Mayne day. Mr Go-Go announced that we will just have a day to just play with our powers around for fun. We also have to be careful with doing that. Luckily, the walls are bulletproof and pretty much everything proof so that the school doesn't burn to flames. Ash Lyn, ice and snow powers, was starting to make a cute little snowman with a cute little ice house. She also had her own little snowy biome territory. On the other side of the wide gym, there was Belle, who has sand powers, making a ginormous sand castle! Then there was Andrea, who has archery powers, she set up her target and she had her lucky bow with her at all times, so don't get on her bad side. She never misses a shot, so really, DO NOT get on her bad side. Lexus, who is a water bender, was bending water in the air. It really looked peaceful. Like a waterfall. Then, Addy walked over by me. " Hey, I just had a vision."
Chapter 3
"What was your vision?" I asked.
" You were, uh, it was." Addy tried to say.
"What was it?" I asked, again, "was it bad?"
"No, no it was good." Addy said, looking sad almost.
"Then what is it?" I asked anxiously.
"You had 3 choices."
Chapter 3
"What?" I said, extremely worried," that can't be possible."
"I have had visions my whole life, they were all real." Addy said. The bell rang, and I super-speeded out of that gym straight to the football field in a matter or milliseconds. I sat up on the highest bleacher. I thought there was no way Addy's vision was true. That is not even known to mankind for that to even happen. Or is it?
For study hall in the IMC, I was trying to look up Mayne Day records on the computer to see if anyone had any trace of anuone having 3 choices. Of course there was no way of me getting into that. There was a password. I needed a computer genius. So I asked Joah, who has technology smarts, if he could help me out with hacking into the system. It took only 3 clicks of the mouse and I was in. I look all the way into the year 2016, since that was the year powers were founded. In the year 2018, there was the first trace of someone with 2 choices. They were then known as evil. I searched the entire hour, nothing about 3 choices.
Chapter 4
After school, I decided I should probably stick with Addy just in case she has any other visions.
All day Saturday Addy hadn't told she had had any more visions. I was relieved. Actually, not really. Sunday was Mayne Day.
Every person in my grade that goes to my school were sitting in chairs in the gym. There were small rooms that were bulletproof that you would go into to identify your new power. I sat there, breathing deeply and freaking out. Then, Principal Synder walked up on the podium that was in front of us. "Welcome, welcome to the 80th annual Mayne Day!" Principal Synder announced. Everyone in the audience clapped, but us, we stood still. "The first person to go will be, uh, Kendall Abbie!" Synder said, happily. Kendall was a very short and petite girl, short everything. She had the power to create diamonds, but I have never seen her wear them. Kendall walked into the first room with some advisor person. "Oh yes, very good! Next we shall have, uhhh, Bronson Arent!" I then noticed that he was naming them of alphabetically. I knew I was going very shortly. I was panicking terribly. I know that 2 choices is bad enough. Imagine having 3! Then I heard it. " Addy Bayman."
What, no. Addy stood up, she seemed so calm, but I could tell very worried. Addy walked into a room with an advisor. She then started to cry. I felt so scared for Addy. I knew this was hard for her to handle. I have no idea how I am going to act when it is my turn.
Chapter 5
"Alright, now uh, Payge Cuhlbertsun." announced Principal Schroeder. My entire body shrunk. I kept thinking there was no way possible for 3 choices to happen. There was no way. A tall, dark looking advisor walked me into a room. It was an all white room. It has totally empty. " I am your advisor, Tom. You will need to sit in this chair."
"Uh, wha-" Then a chair appeared from beneath the ground right in the middle of the room. "Sit" Tom commanded. I sat down, extremely unsure of what was going to happen until this gigantic, huge metal razor was coming right towards me! I speeded out of the chair to the other side of the room. The razor was gone. There was no sight of Tom anywhere. Then, all of a sudden, the room went black, pitch black.
I woke up strapped to a chair. It was still pitch black. I was sure if I was still in that same room. Then this faint, red light I could see. It had gotten bigger after a while as it got closer. I noticed it was not a light. I was a detector. An eye detector. The red light was actually a hologram type thing and was scanning me. It speaked," Scanning human." It talked robotically. "Human identified, Payge L Cuhlbertson power is super human speed. Mayne power is.... There was a long pause. The robot then said,"You have three choices." A hologram of the powers I could choose were on the hologram. One said power of light, another said power of luck and the last said eye identifier. It was weird. Nothing was happening. I was confused, until this man appeared in a white ish light.

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