Mayne Part 2

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I was scared. I had not idea what was about to happen when all of a sudden Makya yells, " Take cover!" I speed out of there faster than I have ever ran before! I could tell this wasn't part of any test, this was for real. I could see every room with participants of Mayne day had been exploded, except for mine. In fact, the entire gym roof was gone. As I was looking up at the sky, there was nothing but an entire galactic space ship hovering over the used - to - be gym! What is going on I thought? Was I evil? Or maybe was someone else..... Then out from the rubble, Matayus, came out. "Omigosh! Matayus!" Jannah yelled out, seeing Matayus come out from the rubble. Everyone kinda knew Jannah had a thing for Matayus, but Matayus really didn't like that idea, AT ALL. Jannah helped him up, " I am fine, Jannah." Matayus said," I used my heat vision to find my way out."
   " Oh, alright." Jannah said, relieved. I looked up at the sky again, still worried why that space ship thing was still there. It was also weird, only like 8 people here. Me, Addy, Makya, Matayus, Jannah, Ash Lyn, Lexus, and Jo. That's when I got the idea of thinking the spaceship captured the others. "Uh, guys I think I know where everyone else is." I said, scared a bit.
  " Where?" Makya asked.
       " Well, I think that spaceship is a big part of it." Jo said, looking up at it.
     " He is right, because there is no sign of them anywhere else." I said back.
         " Ok, but how exactly are we going to get up there?" Addy asked. She was right, how would we get up there? No one of us could fly. Or could we? I mean, it was Mayne Day. The thing is none of us knew how to use our new power. So this will definitely be a challenge. I decided we might just have to wait until the day goes on. " Maybe someone will have their Mayne power as flying?" Lexus suggested.
    "We can't just wait around for our powers to work, we need to find another way." Matayus said.
     " Hey, I think I know someone who might know an idea of getting up there." Jannah said.
    " Who?" We all asked.
" Mack." The thing about him might knowing how to get up there was bad because we didn't know where Mack was. The reason why we needed him was because he had Extreme Smarts, the smartest smarts in the world. He had an answer for anything you asked him. Literally, I am not kidding, even the stupidest question, he would give you a smart answer back.
    "I can check the school out." Jo suggested.
    "You might want someone to go with you for back up, you never know." Ash Lyn said. 
   "Ok, Ash Lyn you can go with him." I told her. Honestly, Jo actually could probably handle himself looking around the school. I mean, he has Extreme Strength, pretty much nothing could get through him. I think Ash Lyn just wanted to hang out with him, I don't know.                                                                       

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