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Mindy pov

I am standing at the airport with Flora and Sara with all my mind wandering here and there, everywhere but not here at the present moment. Flora and Sara were fighting over ice cream and I was staring continuously at the cigarette in my hand. "Go on take a whiff." I turned and noticed the familiar face inside the mask, Yoongi. "Yoongs!" I almost shouted and hugged him. "Now do you want to drool over my chest?" He laughed and I punched his chest. "You are just sour as always." 

Yoongs came to bid me a goodbye and I am more than happy but my heart knows, the emptiness in my heart belongs to Tae and only Tae. We three refused them to bade us goodbye, all had the same reason. We knew that if they would be here it would be difficult to go. 

I was inside the flight, staring at the picture of Me and Tae. He is having Yeontan in his hands and I am having Mini Suga. We used to pick fights over who is cuter, yeontan, or mini suga and it always ended on him saying, I am the cutest. 

Flora fell asleep on Sara's shoulder and she is working on her website and I took a look at it. She was typing, Food Blogging. It could have been so much more creative but... she is Sara. "Can't you think of anything else?" I pointed out the name. She yawned and said, "Nothing comes up in my mind."

I smiled. "Sara if you want to do something related to Social Media then you have to work on writing and marketing skills," I explained to her and she gave me a cheesy smile. I know where is it going... "Aren't you a writer Mindy?" she batted her eyes at me and I rolled them. "Gosh! you look awful... give me the laptop!" I said and she beamed a smile at me. 

I changed the title Food Blogging to Wanderer Delicacies. "Dude this sounds so much posh!" Sara wowed. "See... just the game of words and simple things sounds more appealing." She sighed, "Well Mindy... there is a reason why you always had admirers and I never had." I laughed... Nah my passion was never the reason I was attractive to males. But in the case of Tae, it was different... he was attracted to the way I think, the way I put them together. 

"Sara... you have so many subscribers, how would you plan marketing?" I asked her and she scratched her head. "I think someone good with people might help," she said and our head turned towards Flora who was drooling on Sara. We both looked at each other and nodded with a smirk. 

And just sitting there inside the flight we worked on our plan for our website, Wanderer Delicacies. In the flight only, Flora managed to get us around 25 subscribers and I wrote my first five blogs on the site. Sara told me about different types of non-vegetarian food and we worked together. I don't have a plan to work entirely on this website, I plan to publish my book and for that, I am here to learn and built my skills. 

Flora would be working as a fashion designer here and would work under marketing as a side business. Sara plans to travel around every restaurant and even some small cafe and write about the type of food they have here. 

Sara pov 

All that sounds like a great plan until nothing works as you planned. I entered here and realized for getting into restaurants you have to get something you never took seriously... money. We got in an apartment again, better like the last one but still doesn't feel like home. The only food I can afford is the Ramen made by Mindy and the only bed I get to sleep in is the little space beside Flora who sleeps like a pig. 

Being independent, strong, having youthfulness... all sounds great until life hits you hard. Right now I am working in a café, saving money enough to buy me good food left aside delicacies. My blog is working just fine right now but not enough to get fame and money. Turns out those million followers on youtube were not enough to leave your boundaries and come to a whole new place. Three of us were too shy to ask our Boyfriends for money... we never asked from our families either. 

Sometimes I wish one of us was a gold digger...

Then I look at these two of them. One is always sleeping and the other is surviving over her laptop keyboard. 

They are lucky they even got a boyfriend. 

Flora went for her internship and she told me they only make her overwork and then pay her less. The boss is arrogant and their fashion is shit. Mindy is struggling with her book and everyone here says writing would not pay her well and then we drag her away from the crowd when she is about to throw hands. But amid all this, I am still relieved that these two are here. Their presence would not make me money... if I see it that way, I get a little space to sleep and share my food. But all this is worth it because I have them beside me. 

We are broke and broken-hearted yet we have each other. 

Flora pov 

It's been a week and Sara was back from her café, drenched in sweat again. "How was your day?" I asked the usual question taking her coat in my hands. "Nothing special... left the job." she said and I widen my eyes. "Same" I said and she turned towards me. "What?" Mindy shouted from behind "Coz same!" she joined us. We giggled and then looked at each other blankly. 

What now? 

"I think... let's get drunk first." I said and they both gave me a look. "You know what? I am in." Sara said and bought the bottles. Mindy got us glasses and we changed into pyjamas and questionable hairstyle. "Cheers to the broke us!" Mindy said and raised the glass. 

"Cheers to the broke us!" We three said and gulped the alcohol.

1 bottle down. "It's ok guys we would find a way out of this." Mindy said and we nodded. 

2 bottle down. Sara stood up and fell on our shoulders. "You know what? I love you guys more than the food." she started crying and we hugged her. 

3 bottle down. "Guys... I think I need sex." I whined and sat on the floor. 

The cheers to the broke us soon turned into cheers to we are fucked because we have no money, no reputation, no connections and nothing but who the fuck cares? For now all I want is to gulp this cheap beer with my friends and sing a song without thinking if the lyrics are wrong. 

Things didn't turned out the way we imagined. When I think of it... things never turned out the way we imagined them. It was always disappointing yet filled with surprises. 

And I am waiting for that to happen. 

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