Part 4, "who is he?"

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(Techno POV)
It's December 14th, y/n was streaming, I watched her stream while I did some work, a few minutes later I hear my phone ringing... it was y/n... I answer with hesitation.

Techno- "hello?"
Y/n- "hey I need help"

I smile seeing her play with her hair whilst talking to me, i chuckle while I ask  her with what.

Y/n- "I don't know what to pack"
Techno- " well look up how weather is over there, then go off of that."
Y/n- "omg your a life saver, thank you sooo much"
Techno- " heh no problem shortie"
Y/n- "anyway, what are you doing mr. blade?"

I freeze while I hear her say those words, I could feel my face heating up... am I blushing? Ugh why does she do this to me.

Techno- " j-just working"
Y/n- "oh okay, I'll leave you be then"

Without think I say,
Techno-" no no it's fine, I just finished, how about we stay on call."
Y/n-" wow okay sure"

I sit in silence watching her run around her room tying to catch koda,

Techno-" cute"
Y/n-" what was that techno?"
Techno-" uhm nothing!"
Y/n-" mhm"

Quickly I put my face in my palms and heavily breathe.

Y/n-" techno are you okay?"

Why am I out of breath, and why does it feel like there's butterflies in my stomach?!?

Techno-" y-yeah don't worry about me!"
Y/n-" are you sure? You sound out of breath"
Techno-"u-um yeah I'm fine, oh look I just got a message from will, sorry y/n got to go!"
Y/n-" oh um okay then bye"
Techno-" bye."

My breathing starts to slow down but then I hear y/n's voice in the background... shit I'm still on her stream... i lay down on my bed and listen to her soft voice.

I look up and see a male walks into her room, you couldn't see his face but she quickly stood up and hugged him... I slammed the laptop close.

About 5 minutes later I slowly started breathing and calmed down...shit I might of broke the screen...I open it up and see a small crack...dammit... I closed again more softer and then start packing clothes.
It's December 15th and I started seeing more of him on her streams... and the more I saw him the more I stoped talking to y/n. I even started to ignore her texts and declining her calls.

Tommy-" hey y/n wants to know if your mad at her"
Techno-" I'm not mad at her."

Wilbur-"why have you been ignoring y/n?"
Techno-" I'm not trying to, I'm just busy"

Phil-" mate we need to talk"
Techno-" what up Phil?"
Phil-" so your busy?"
Phil-" talk to y/n"
Techno-" okay?"
Phil-" okay? OKAY?!? MATE y/n is worried, talk to her..."
Techno-" and I will"
Phil-"when? When are you going to talk to her? Go do it now."
Techno-" okay okay, I'll go talk to her"

Techno-" hey..."
Y/n-"t-techno? You talking to me?"
Techno-" yeah, I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you, I have just been busy"
Y/n-"oh okay, we'll I'm glad your talking to me again"

I smile to my self, I felt selfish for doing that do her, ignoring her...

Y/n-Yawns-" hey blade, I think I'm going to go to bed"
Techno-" okay go get some sleep princess"
Y/n-" same to you my prince"

Why did I say that? Why did she do that? Oh god my face is doing that think again, it's all red.
Nothing much happened the next few day, just more sightings of the man, I'm not sure who he is but he has a good relationship with y/n.

Techno-"hey I got a question"
Y/n-"what's up?"
Techno-"who is he?"
Y/n-" huh?"
Techno-" the guy in your streams"
Y/n-" b/n?" ( brother's name)
Techno-" yeah I guess"
Y/n-" he's my brother, he's visiting for the week. Why?... your not jealous are you?"
Techno-" wha- NO, no I'm not jealous, I was just wondering"
Y/n-" mhm okay mr blade"

"Just her brother? Wow I got jealous of her brother, I got jealous over a hug? I'm not normally like this, what's wrong with me?"
Phil-" you sure your not in love mate?"
Techno-" did I say the out loud?"
Phil-" yeah"

Right I was now on call with Phil because y/n had to go, can't believe I said that out loud

Phil-" techno? Mate you there?"
Techno-" sorry got lost in my thoughts"
December 17 6:24am , I jump into the car and drive to y/n's, the day before i had bought all of y/n favorite snacks. I also remembered y/n's Starbucks order so I'm planning to get her drink before picking her up.

I  also brought a pillow and my blanket for us, I made sure I looked fine because it was my first time seeing y/n in real life, I'm not going to lie, I'm scared. I am way out of her league, she look like a super model, but still I put my best effort on looking good for her.

I started heading to y/n's house, 8 hours to drive.
                     (Y/n's POV)
Techno just had texted me that he was on his way, he would here around 1pm. I had just gotten out of the shower and went to get everything ready, I dried my hair, put it in a messy bun (for now) I was wearing a white crop tank top and some brown sweat pants with a flannel.

 I had just gotten out of the shower and went to get everything ready, I dried my hair, put it in a messy bun (for now) I was wearing a white crop tank top and some brown sweat pants with a flannel

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I drove over to a "puppy daycare" to drop off  koda for the 2 weeks I'll be gone, I return home to clean up the house before techno picks me up.
Hey you read 1024 words, good job :) anyway get some sleep, eat food and drink water. bye bye !

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