Chapter Four

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Chapter Four,

Chapter Four,

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The Turner boy was the first to move, walking towards the window. He unlatched the shutter, holding it with his hand. Sticking his head outside, he looked both ways up and down the alleyway. All he saw was a cat scurrying in the night. He moved his head back inside, closing the shutter back.

Charlotte opened her mouth to speak, but a scream came out. However, the scream didn't belong to her, it belong to that of a shrill outside. Soon, more followed suit.

In seconds everything merged into chaos.

William and Lottie made eye contact before she dashed over to where her sword set against one of the anvils that was not in use. She hastily buckled the sheath around her waist. "Lottie, wait!" The Turner boy shouted when the girl ran to the door of the smith shop.

He grabbed his own sword and a hatchet before taking off after the eldest Swann girl, who had already run out of the door and towards God knows what awaited outside.

Lottie breathed heavily, eyes widened in fear when she was became with the situation outside of the smith shop. A man, a pirate, had leeched onto a women nearby. Lottie knew her to be Missus Rupont, the wife of the baker.

The Swann girl didn't think, she could care less of the outcome of any of her actions as she sprinted towards the man who was handling poor old Missus Rupont.

The pirate had seen a small figure dashing towards him from the corner of his eye. He turned just in time to block Lottie's blow, seemingly forgetting about Missus Rupont, who managed to slip away.

A groan left Lottie's mouth when the much larger man pushed his sword down against her block. Using her nimble height to her advantage she ducked out of the way, turning on her heels and slicing the man's neck.

Instantly the pirate grabbed his throat, falling to the ground.

She had killed him.

Charlotte Swann always heard from others how killing someone takes a part of you, how you'll go over the moment of murder a thousand times a day, driving yourself insane— that it stays with you. But Lottie couldn't find it in herself to let it consume her, she couldn't find the guilt because she couldn't sympathize with killing a man who was hurting others.

"Lottie!" A voice cried from behind.

She turned, just in time to see a pirate approaching her at full speed hit the ground like a bag of flour. Her mouth gaped open when she looked down at the body, seeing a hatchet stick out out from the man's back.

Her eyes lead her back up, spotting William a few feet away. "Nice shot." She breathed out, motioning with her sword to the man on the ground.

"Are you okay?" William asked as yanked his hatchet from the man's back. The Swann girl gave him a nod, panting slightly. "We need to find Lizzie and my father." Lottie grabbed his arm, yanking him in the direction of her home.

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