Chapter 13

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I run down to the grounds to talk to James who is sat down on a chair still in his stag form.

"If you want to draw attention to yourself then I suggest a cup of tea will fit the picture.", I say as he turns to look at me. I try and hide my emotions and play it off that I am okay.

"You are really bad at hiding your emotions you know that right?", James says as he slowly changes back, "So please tell me what the matter is or I am going to have to force myself to tickle you."

"It's not as easy as that James okay? I just...argghhhh!", I scream as I fall to the floor, tears spilling from my eyes. The weakness that flows through me makes me more angry. I hate showing my emotions in front of others. Silence floods my brain as the walls slowly close in around me.


I sit down by the lake, the familiar feeling of numbness falling over me. I count out to myself to keep myself breathing but that falls through. Rain falls around me, the drops dancing before dying when they hit the ground. 

"Y/L/N what the hell are you doing out here. What happened to meeting me in the common room for our duel?", she screams at me. I stand up, wiping the tears from my face slowly turning to face her. 

"You win okay Bellatrix! What do you want, a pat on the back?", I snap back at her earning a wand pointed at me.

"NO! I want to win fair and square. Fight woman."

"I don't want to. Just leave me alone.", I turn back to face the lake when I am hit in the back with the cruciatus curse. My knees drop to the ground, the pain washing over me but not a sound leaving me. It doesn't hurt me.

"No one will ever love you Y/n, they will say they do, care for you but will never want to be with you. Your pathetic like your parents."

The parents bit got to me and before any one could register what happened, I turned and started to duel her. Nothing harmful but annoying hexes which will get in her way.

"You have no right to talk about my parents. You can insult me but never, and I repeat NEVER INSULT MY PARENTS!", I fire a stupefy at her as she retaliates with sectumsempra. Our spells clash mid air as teachers and students alike flood outside. Teachers screaming at us to stop but both of us ignoring them. 

Next thing I know, I am flat on my back, blood pouring from my body as students scream my name. Bellatrix comes to my side, panicking muttering sorry's and trying to heal me.

"Y/n stay with me okay, please don't close your eyes. Shit I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry but please don't die on me."

Darkness slowly seeps into my vision as her tears litter my face.

"I forgive you Bella"

And everything goes black.


I wake up with  voices muttering around me. I slowly open my eyes to see James, Severus, Minerva and Bellatrix surrounding me on all sides. I am lying on the wet grass with my head on Bellatrix's lap. I shoot up and try to stand.

"Sit back down Y/n, you blacked out for a moment so just rest for a while.", James says as he hands me a potion.

"Here's something to get your blood circulating properly again.", Severus adds as I slowly sip the potion feeling lighter by every sip. I slowly sit up as Bellatrix holds my back supporting me. I flinch slightly at her hands which she registers. 

"I would like to go back to my room please.", I say staring at all of them above me as she slowly makes me stand up, "Minerva could  you take me back?"

I feel the disappointment flood from Bella but I really couldn't face her right now. Minerva hooks an arm around my waist and slowly helped me towards the castle. I couldn't look Bella in the eye as the memory was fading in and out before me.

Everything was blur and the next thing I felt was the soft mattress of my bed beneath. Minerva looks at me sweeping a lock of hair from in front of my eye.

"Oh poor dear, should I get Bellatrix for you?", she asks but before I could say no, Bellatrix is stood in the doorway.

"It's okay I'm here now, now what happened? Was it Potter? Or was it one of your flashbacks? I could get you a potion or somethi-"

"Will you shut up and leave me alone!", I shout at her interrupting her mid sentence. Minerva looks between us shocked. I immediately felt guilty for shouting at her but I couldn't stand her being in the same room as me.

"Will you leave me Bellatrix, you nearly killed me so why do you care for me. I hate you, I can't stand you and you can't stand me so please for the both of us, don't talk to me ever again and keep your feelings to your god damn self!".

I don't know what came over but regrets floods me as I see tears streaming from her eyes.

"You spent years of our fucking lives tormenting me and making my life living hell so just leave okay?"

I fall to the floor as she runs from the room with Minerva following her swiftly. Streams of tears fall down my face as I can't contain my sobs. Why did I ever do that? She has been so kind to me, protecting me and I throw it back in her face. Oh for fucks sake I love her.

Oh Shit

I love her.


Don't kill me okay but I had to. And I can give you some tissues if you need them.

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