Chapter 14

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Days passed and I refused to leave me room as I realised I fucked up my future with her. Not one moment passed when all my thoughts were dedicated to her. Her smile, her untameable hair and the way she would hold me at night.

But I have lost that.

Minerva had given me two weeks off, mainly because she didn't want me and Bellatrix too near each other in case we start fighting. So I spent every moment of it in my room, staring at the walls for hours.

Suddenly, an owl swoops up to my window and taps on it with its beak. I reluctantly remove myself from my duvet and open the window. I don't recognise the owl but the handwriting on the paper looks familiar. I take the letter from its mouth and feed it a little treat as it leaves quickly. I sit back down on the bed opening the letter.

Dear Y/n,

I know it has been a long time since I have written to you but I have been so busy with my work at the ministry that I haven't had a lot of me time. Anyways, how have you been. A little birdy told me you started dating someone but wouldn't tell me who.

I can't believe your teaching at Hogwarts and especially with the bitch Black. Hope she isn't giving you much trouble.

How about we meet at the Three Broomsticks this evening around 6?

Lots of love, Cassie.

I can't help but laugh at what Cassie had written. Cassie appeared out of nowhere in sixth year and insisted on being my friend. She would disappear from time to time and would always use different excuses but I didn't mind. She was a Hufflepuff which made people speculate about me but I didn't care.

I turned to look at the time and it was 4 in the afternoon which meant I had 2 hours to get ready. I decide to read a book for an hour before getting ready to leave and see her.

Something inside me was wanting me to go out into the corridors and see everyone again but part of me wanted to stay here. I slowly got myself ready to go outside my room so I put on a casual shirt and a skirt (Or trousers if you prefer) and a pair of flats as I grab my wand and leave my room.

The familiar clanging of students running down the halls echoes through the halls as I walk, hoping to not bump into Bellatrix. She probably hates me right now but I just couldn't talk to her. Everything was still fresh and the hurt she put me through lingered around me like a disease.

"Miss Y/l/n where have you been. We have missed you?", I turn to see Mr and Mr Weasley holding something behind their backs which suspiciously looked like a firework.

"I haven't been feeling my best recently so Professor McGonagall has given me some time off so I get better quicker.", I respond ignoring that they are planning to prank someone.

"Well you do certainly look good today!", says George winking cheekily at me.

"Minus one house point for that absurd comment Mr Weasley and don't get caught by McGonagall. They run of into the distance muttering to each other. I walk past the great Hall to see both doors wide open. I stop for one moment and see Severus, Minnie and Bella all staring at me. Some of the other students including Harry all stare at me but I continue to walk past crossing the Hogwarts's grounds.

The walk is pleasant as I watch the lake ripple in the setting sun. I walk out of the gates and into the village. Birds sing to each other, looking for comfort which I lack.

After my peaceful walk, I finally make it to the Three Broomsticks where a bubble of chatter and warmth surrounds the pub, creating a barrier from the outside world. I walk in and look for Cassie who is already sat at a table with two butterbeers.

"Is this table taken darling?", I ask her as her head shoots up looking at me.

"Sit down you crazy bitch. How have you been?", she asks as she uses her magic to slide my beer over whilst I take my cloak off and drape it over my chair. We talk for what seems like hours, updating each other on our lives. Cassie talks to me about her developments on time and dimension travel. Something about vampires and heroes but I ignore that.

"Now tell me, is there someone out there who has finally caught your eye or you still hung up on her?", she asks nonchalantly knowing about my previous crush.

"Well uhm...yes I guess so. As you know I am teaching and Bellatrix is also there. To put it bluntly, we had a thing but then I think I fucked it up. I passed out and all the horrible memories of her hurting me came back and I pushed her away. I made a right tit of myself.", I blurt out, trying not to break down into tears as all the intimate moments replay through my mind.

The first time we kissed

The first time we held each other naked.

"Oh honey come here,", she says offering me a hug, "She still loves you, you need to see that because from the way she look out for you it is so obvious that she adores you."

"How do you know how she looks at me?", I ask, pulling slightly away from the hug.

"Minnie wanted me to see her at the castle and she was looking around like a lost puppy. Some of the students are saying she is less strict and that she looks sad. You need to talk to her now before it is too late."

These words hit me deep as I mutter a thank you, grab my cloak and run out of the building, back to the castle. I keep running until I reach the doors and see the clock chime 11. I am so late back but that doesn't matter anymore. The corridors are eerily quiet as I make my way to her chamber.

When I reach her door, I slowly open it and walk to her bedroom, removing my shoes and clothes leaving me in underwear. I see her laying there, her wild black hair scattering the pillow, highlighting her pale face. I shuffle over and snuggle under the covers with her, wrapping my arms around her waist. 

Now I feel safe.

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